Part Six

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Jerome went over to answer the phone since it scared me. "Hello?" a voice on the other side, I coun't hear but I assumed Deadlox could. Jerome looked up. "Jason. It's some girl named Seegose." Jason smirk and grabbed the phone from him and let the room. Mitch laughed.

"Son of a Bitch, I thought he was joking." I looked at him, questioningly. "When we were in town, we got seperated and when I ran back into him, he said he got a date with a very pretty cat-girl named Seegose."

Jerome looked at him. "What the Hell is a cat-girl?" he shrugged.

"Dunno. Apparently she had a tail and cat ears." he told us, leaning his head on Jerome's shoulder. "Not that it really matters. 

"What do you mean?" Jerome asked, stroking Mitch's cheek. 

"Well, what's wrong with dating a cat-like creature. I mean, I'm dating a Bacca and Sky's dating a Vampire." he said, smiling up at Jerome. 

We laughed. "That's true. Plus, Jason isn't exactly human either so I suppose it works." I told them, gripping Ty's hand tighter. He rolled his eyes and squeezed a bit too hard for my liking. I let out a little grunt of pain and he loosened his grip. 

We continued talking for a bit before Deadlox rushed out of there. "Sorry, I gotta go." then he was gone. 

Deadlox's POV

I heard a crash upstairs and it was in Seto's room. "Sorry, I gotta go." I let go of Sky's and ran upstairs to Seto's room. I opened the door to see Seto laying passed out on the ground. I shook his shoulder and turned him over. Blood was pouring out of his neck and I felt a presents behind me. I turned around to see a face I didn't reconize but I knew instantly who it was. 

"Well, Hello there Deadlox. Nice to see you again." he locked the door and stood in front of it. 

"You. What are you doing here?" I demanded out of the Vampire who turned me.

"Pshh, why do you think? I'm here to kill your little friend right here." he pointed to Seto. Like he read my mind, he continued. "He's trying to make a potion to make us weaker, and slower. He's taking procautions but we can't have that. He hates us, our kind." he smirked. 

"No, he hates your kind. I'm not like you." I told him, crossing my arms and stood  in between him and Seto. "Now get lost so I can save Seto." 

"Why would I do that?" his smirk fell.

"I'll tell him to not make the potion." 

"You can always frce him to not make it, by telling him that I'll kill him next time." he looked at me before walking towards the window. "Deadlox, remember. You're just as powerful as anyone of us. Keep that in mine. I bid you farewell." he was gone. 

"Seto." I shook his shoulders and checked his heartbeat. It was slower than normal. Out of instict that I didn't know I had, I licked his neck and watched as the wound healed itself and hi heartbeat go back to normal. He started to open his eyes so I picked him up and walked out of the room. "I'm taking you to the doctor." 

"O..Okay." he mumbled still out of it. I quickly ran and set him down on the bed in his place of work. 

He walked in. "Oh, goodness," he said and rushed to Seto's side. "What happened?" he looked at me. 

"I don't know." I lied quickly. "I heard a crash in his room so I went to help him. When I found him, he was passed out amonst his potions. I assume he knocked a sleeping potion or a harming potion over and hurt himself."

The doctor nodded. "I doubt it. He seems so careful." he  sighed. "Accidents happen though." he looked at me again. "Well, thanks for bringing him in." I nodded and ran to Sky's room to warn him. 

Mitch's POV

I smiled as Jerome and I walked to his room, hand in hand. I kisseed his cheek and leaned my head against his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close to his body.

He sighed as we sat down on his bed. "Mitch, we need to talk." I didn't like the sound of that.

"Yes?" I asked, scooting closer and wrapping my arms around his waist. 

"I... I'm scared Mitch, I'm scared for you and I'm scared for everyone else in Team Crafted." he looked away. 

"Why?" I forced him to look at me. 

"Deadlox." I understood instantly.

"I know. I hate to say it but I don't want to stay here because of him. I know it's not what friends should say."

"I kno-" the glass on his window shaddered. We got up and he pushed me behind him. A man stood amongst the glass and he smiled. 

"It's not him, you should be worried about." he smirked and grabbed Jerome and threw him against the wall, and I screamed. 

Sorry, it's so short but I have plans tonight so I had to hurry and upload it. :3  and will the Vampire kill Jerome? i guess you'll have to find out in the next part! :D

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