july 16th, 2016

17 2 1

location : the truck

as i said, i would post a photo of the zoo. i had like 15 more but as you can see, i can only post one.

the zoo was a nice experience until alivia and alexis couldnt play on the little kids playground so they were being complete dickheads.

we were supposed to go somewhere to eat but obviously my step dad didnt want to stop so we're backing up now. i will finish when i get in the house.


okay so let me tell you about richs sister. she's a snotty bitch that spoils autumn and erica. she acts like she is the mother of them and my mom gets pissed the fuck off. whatever she wants, she gets.

her name is lavonda.

by the way, if i say a name, im not repeating it 400 times.

rich -stepdad
my mom is my mom
lavonda -richs sister
autumn, erica, alivia, alexis -sisters
christian & corey -brothers

anyways, as i said whatever lavonda wants, she gets. like when we came home, i simply wanted chicken fried rice. I've been asking rich to get it from to locked downstairs freezer. i know the combination but he doesnt need to know that shh. i steal bacon from there all the time. i wanted that but when we got home, lavonda goes "oh let's get pizza." UM NO BITCH. and don't comment oh my god, you're so rude. no, you have not met her. but guess what we have to eat now. fucking pizza. just because she's "donated money."

she said oh no, you can have bread and water.

i flipped shit because the last time i had that was with my dad..when we had no money. he lives in las vegas, nevada. he's a pot head but he doesn't tell anyone. everyone knows he does but he hides it.

i miss him very much. we talk on the phone like once a week. i havent seen him going on five years. but hopefully my mom will take me with her next year when she goes to vegas :). he has been telling us that he is moving back to buffalo, new york (where i live) but he never comes through.

okay well i guess I'm gonna go read a magcon fan fiction. see you later.

end time  [4:48 pm]

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