chistina Klein

13 2 5

Christina Klein, also kown as Cassandra, she hates that name though, is one if the most interesting people you will ever meet, she would rather go to hell than be in heaven, she loves her family, her brother, her dad, her mom, and me, a stupid person, she's loves everything in nature, and loves everyone, unless there an ass, then she hates them, she has a feiry attitude and is very smart, and strong willed. She is more powerful than she knows, she's more important than she knows. She loves childish things, which is ok, she is currently dating a squirrel that has the same name as her dog, ironicly. She is a beautiful person, both inside and out, and I'm proud to be apart of her little group of friends, I am happy to call her my sister, my family.


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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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