Part One Man In the Street

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Zaria's POV

Another boring day of school has ended. I'm in my room and just finished my homework, when I hear a knock on the door. "Come in!" I yell. My mom sticks her head through the crack in the door way.

"Hey, Zaria take out the trash when your done here, ok? I asked you to do it last night and you never did."

"Fine mom!" I roll my eyes and stand up.

"Oh, and don't forget the flash light. The electrician still hasn't fixed the street lights, and all the porch lights are out to."


I head down stairs towards the kitchen. Once there I grab the trash and the flash light and make my way to the door. I'm outside and everything is pitch black. 'Wow, mom was right. Good thing I brought the flash light' I think as I turn the light on. I point the light out to the street, where the trashcan was last put, but instead of seeing the trashcan, I see a man looking at me from the other side of the road.

I realise I'm pointing the light in the man's eyes, so you I it of. As soon as I click the button the man starts to cross the street, unaware of the fast approaching car. With in seconds, the man hits the windshield and is flung over the top of the vehicle. Without thinking, I drop the trash and run towards the street. 'What a jerk,' I think to yourself, 'hiting a man and then to keep on driving!! How little respect does that guy have!?'

When I reach the man laying motionless on the cold winter ground, the first thing I do is check for a pulse. With my fingers pressed up against his neck I feel a pulse, very, very faint, but still there. I can't help but noticing how warm he is despite the winter chill. I pull my hand away and turn the flash light on. I dim the brightness and point the beam at the man.

This is my first time actually seeing what he looks like. I can't help but think he's kinda cute. The man has long scarlet hair and beautiful tan skin. Then I see his wounds. Not critical, surprisingly, but bad enough. For some reason, instead of calling 911, I decide to take him into your home. Before I do, I lean down and whisper in his ear "Its OK, I'll take care of you. I wont let you die. I won't let you go into eternal darkness." At the time, I had no idea just how much my words reassured him.

Akura-ou's POV

I see a girl across the road. My hands begin to itch with the instinct to kill. 'Poor woman, you just meet your end.' I start to walk, and I hear a noise approaching. 'Some kind of beast?' I turn my head, and I'm flung in the air, hitting the ground. My eyesight is blurry, and I know I'm wounded. 'This stupid form! At least I still have my immortality so I won't die. Ha, me die. Like that would ever happen.'

The woman walks up to me and places to fingers on my neck. 'Checking for a pulse? Of course I have one you stupid bitch.' Something happens and my vision goes dark. 'No, no!! Not the darkness again!! Please! I want to see light!!' I hear her whispering in my ear. "Its OK, I'll take care of you. I won't let you die. I won't let you go into eternal darkness."

'No more darkness?' The last thing I heard was that woman's voice. (passes out)

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