Chapter 7 - my bullies

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The nurse dismissed me and sent us both back to class. Liam and me had the same time table so we had the same class. We walked slowly to class and timed it perfectly so once we got there the bell went for the end of the day.

Screaming children from the years below. Chatting 6th formers trying to get past the mob. I walk to my locker and everyone falls silent. You could hear a pin drop. All eyes on me. Liam was gone so i was on my own. Again.

I stopped half way and then i saw them. " the gang" as they are called. My bullies. "Oi scum bag!" Dacoda shouts at me. She is the leader of the gang. I looked over at her direction but not in the eyes as this would lead to harder beatings today. " yes you Nat! Get here now!" I ignored her. "Don't make me come and get you. You know what will happen!" Dacoda shouted. By then everyone had left.

I walked and waited for my daily beatings. I still don't understand why they still hit me. Probably because I'm an easy target. Little did they know that i already get beaten at home from my auntie and uncle. It doesn't hurt any more because the pain all goes away through self harm. As well i cant cry as they hit harder it was one of the gangs rules;

1. Don't run away or you will get it harder.

2. Don't look into our eyes unless asked or you will get it harder

3. Don't make us come and get you or you will get a harder beating.

4. Don't avoid or you....... Yeah you get the picture.

"Right gang get to work" she says. Dacoda doesn't do all the dirty work she just finishes it. " i've been wanting to do this all day." Holding up her hand ready to swing to my stomach. Then i see someone in the distance. Only a shadow around the corner. Just couldn't work out who.

"STOP!" The figure shouts. I recognised the voice but who was it????????? .................

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