chapter 17: protecting her

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Hello so its me again saying I can't believe my reads are going up ad up every time I look I am shocked I even got 2k never mind 2.8 thanks you.

As you may know if you follow the boy band then you must have heard about the new member Andy. He's hot I know and as I started writing this like ages ago when they first started I kinda decided to add him later on as I have wrote loads but had no time to put on the page  (oops) he is gonna be added in about the chapter 40 something mark. I better go now so keep fan girling and hope you enjoy this chapter it is more of a filler so hope you enjoy.

Feel free to comment or message me what you think I love to hear your feedback :)

thank you

natynat xxx

p.s go follow the band on twitter and check them out on you tube x


and find them on youtube type overload gb and find them :)

follow me too on twitter @overloadGBtasha


Ollie pov

I ran to her room in panic and opened the door and slammed it again loud enough for the whole house to hear. I was so mad at Blair but so sorry for Tasha. I found her crying in her sleep whilst shouting "Don't hit me, please don't hit me I haven't done anything wrong." I felt so sorry for her she didn't deserve any of this. I rushed to her side and gave her a massive which she most gladly accepted.

"Shh babe its OK it was just a bad dream. It's me Ollie I'm here now no one is going to hurt you now I'm here." I say soothingly making her instantly calm down and stop crying. Sometimes at moments like these I just want to freeze the picture. This was just perfect. "Now princess what is making you be like this?

Tasha told me that it was her aunt and uncle. They wanted her to come back and live with them. she refused to go so they threatened to hit her again but twice as hard until she said yes. That must have been one tough nightmare not to believe it isn't real. Poor girl she has been through a lot and I was just wondering if she went through this every night. I was just about to walk out the room as Tasha had fallen asleep. When I heard her say, "Ollie pleas stay with me. I want you to protect me please."

How can I say no to this? She needs me so I nodded and said with a smile "Sure princess anything for you." I started taking off my trousers and top. Taking my top off I had laugh as Tasha's jaw dropped. Well I couldn't blame her as I'd fancy myself if I was a girl. As soon as I got into her bed she fell asleep instantly on my chest. It was just perfect I couldn't trade this moment for anything.

Before I went t sleep I kissed her on the forehead and said " Night princess, I love you." I had to say it to her just once. She didn't wake or move so I settled down too and we both fell asleep..............

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