When the sailor sees the pretty girl across the room

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You know that moment when a guy sees a pretty women across the room then turns to his friend and says "You see that girl? Someday I'm going to marry here." Unfortunately in this case, that's not what exactly happened when famous, wealthy, and good lookin' soccer player, Cristiano Ronaldo, saw Skylar the first time...
-Cristiano's P.O.V-
I was talking to my lawyer about the incident about a week ago.
"Cristiano! Look over here!"
"Over here! Smile!"
"Cristiano I love you so much!"
Flashing lights and screams surrounded me. I was overwhelmed because I had just picked up my son from school when a swarm of paparazzi bombarded us with questions. One guy stood out among the rest, he tried to grab my son and that's when all hell broke loose. Next thing I know is that he is on the floor and my hand is throbbing.
*End flashback*
We started talking about a reasonable amount of money to pay to make this go shush when I saw the most beautiful women walk into the room with another man. My eyes immediately went to her skirt, how they tightly hugged her waist and showed her small figure. Then I looked at her eyes, a dark brown, and her hair as well. There were specks of tiny freckles scattered across her face. Since I'm a guy, you can imagine that what I said next was really stupid. But a girl had never left me speechless and I, Cristiano Ronaldo, had be smitten.
-Sky's P.O.V-
I watched as his eyes burned into my body. He kept looking me up and down but yet said nothing. All of a sudden he whispered to his lawyer, "You see that girl, I'm going to sleep with her." Then he smirked and winked at me. My face became red as Cristiano and his lawyer continued to watch my every move. I was in utter shock and the fact that he kept looking me up and down like I was an object made me wish that the chair I sat in would swallow me whole. My job was to advise and take notes and I sat in the far corner, away from him. Soon my embarrassment became anger, every time he smirked at me while everyone was turned away. I wanted to punch him but I had to remain professional. This smug jerk.
*After the meeting*
We had discussed the course of action and were able to come to a reasonable price with the photographer. We signed the papers and shook hands. I wanted to leave as soon as possible but as I got up to leave I heard a name call me back.
"Hey! You! Don't leave yet!"
My hands curled up into a fist but I took a deep breath then turned around.
"What!" I snapped.
"Feisty! I like that about you. My name is---"
"Cristiano Ronaldo, I know"
"You seem annoyed. You know most girls would die to be in the same room as me."
God! This guy is so full of himself. I can't believe him! I smiled sweetly and said "Good thing I'm not most girls, good day." Then I quickly left the room, ignoring his protests of me staying.
-Cristiano's P.O.V-
Ugh! Why can't she be like other girls? The ones who get on their knees and praise me! Yet at the same time, she was so intriguing and I love a challenge. I soon got my stuff ready and walked to the elevator, not while asking the receptionist about the mysterious girl.
"Her name is Skylar, Skylar Lopez." She said while batting her eyelashes and smiling at me. I thanked the girl and walked away which earned a huff from the girl who then went back to her job. I got plans for you Sky, big plans. I smiled to myself as I got out my cell phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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