Life Hack List #1

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🕳When holding the SHIFT key on the keyboard, the mouse will move horizontally, instead of vertically. Good for websites that have a horizontal/ landscape design.

🕳If you loose anything small, and are afraid to vacuum it accidentally, put any thin stocking over the head of a vacuum machine. The small holes in the stocking will allow dust to pass, but not things jewelry, keys, money, etc.

🕳Use a spring from an old pen to keep your charger from breaking

🕳When moving, pack books into rolling bags, to make it easier. Boxes tend to tear when they're too heavy

🕳Put a fork through the side of Oreos so to keep your fingers clean while dunking them

🕳When packing or storing clothes, roll them up to save space and prevent wrinkles

🕳Use binder to keep cables organized

🕳Take a CD spindle/box and use it as a bagel holder

🕳If you're almost done with your Nutella jar, take some milk or cold (not frozen) ice cream, then shake it

🕳Take a small strip of cardboard and turn it into a cylinder by taping the two sides together. Put the cylinders in a box, and put cables into them to make them more organized

Quote: Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day

Guys, this is my first actual update, and I'm so sorry that I haven't updated for, like, a month! I have been so busy with a lot of stuff, but I can't wait for you to find out some more awesome things I've been working on here! If you have a good book you'd like to recommend, Private Message me or comment it's name! 

A shout out to @CBrockFrost for adding this book to their reading list! Go check out the reading list and their books!

'Till next time, my little novels!

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