School Hacks

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🕳Coloring the top corner of your books so you can tell them apart is very helpful.

🕳If you want to check for errors or you're just too tired/lazy to read, you can select the text you need to read, and click on speech/speech mode.

🕳If you have smelly shoes after P.E.  try taking 2 teabags and put them in your shoes before you pack them away so they don’t smell up your locker or bag!

🕳If you run out of deoderant, try using hand sanitizer on your armpits instead. Smell is caused by bacteria mixed with sweat so if you have no bacteria it’s less likely to smell. Rubbing lime juice until it’s dry also keeps the smell away by increasing the PH level to the point where the bacteria can’t breed!

🕳If you have deoderant but need to remove nail polish you can do this to get rid of chipped nail polish.

🕳Also if you accidentally get Sharpie stains on your hands, you can remove it with nail polish remover and a cotton ball.

🕳To remember the first eight decimals of Pi just count the letters in the sentence: "May I Have A Large Container Of Coffee",which is 3.1415826 which is PI!!

🕳Instead of searching for information on google-and get irrelevant results-try .

🕳If you constantly feel tired after you wake up even though you’ve had enough sleep try drinking water when you wake up – you actually may be dehydrated and not sleep deprived.

🕳If your essay is too long try adding white dashes between words to lessen the word count.

🕳When your word spell check is asking you to “Revise a fragment” means that it's asking you to add a semi-colon ";".

🕳If you have a bunch of things to delete try using cntrl Backspace to delete a whole word at a time.

🕳Use WordHippo or to find similar alternatives or opposite words for a  more professional touch in your essays!

🕳It’s easier to remember things written in blue ink than black ink – write your notes in blue ink!

🕳When you start a new subject leave a few pages in front of your notebook so you can add in a table of contents later for better note finding later when you need to study for an exam!

Quote: The aim [of education] must be the training of independently acting and thinking individuals who, however, see in the service to the community their highest life problem -Albert Einstein

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