O n e

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"I'm building this house,
on the moon,
like a lost astronaut.
Looking at you
like a star,
from a place
the world forgot.
And there's nothing I can do,
except bury my love for you."
Anakin Skywalker walked quietly down the halls of the Temple.
It was late, the Temple was empty. His soft footsteps echoed down the halls.
He was returning from the Archives.
His entire body ached from the hours of studying he had done. He rolled his neck around, releasing tension.
He toyed with his braid, a habit that always returned at times when he was tired or stressed.
He soon arrived at his shared quarters with his Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi.
He quietly unlocked the door and slipped in, hoping to not wake him up.
His Master got vey cranky when his rest was disturbed.
Not that Anakin actually cared.
It was rather cute actually.
Surprisingly, Obi-Wan was sitting at the kitchen table, reading something off a hologram.
He looked up to see his Padawan standing in the doorway, and clicked the hologram off.
Something about the lighting made Obi-Wan realize how Anakin's eyes were a pretty shade of blue, like ice in the morning light.
"Hello there." he spoke to Anakin. "Out late studying I hope?"
"Of course Master, I have to receive high marks in my classes if I ever want to become a Knight."
Obi-Wan was slightly surprised. Anakin hated studying with a passion.
But he did really want to become a Knight.
"Come sit. I made you some tea. You look like you need it."
Obi-Wan gestured to the steaming mug sitting across the table from him.
Obi-Wan sensed exhaustion as it seeped through their bond. When Anakin was tired, his mental shields weakened so Obi-Wan could sense how he felt.
The bags under Anakin's eyes gave Obi-Wan the impression that he hadn't slept in quite some time.
Anakin gladly sat down, exhausted. He sipped his tea gratefully.
"You make the best tea, Master." Anakin says.
"Comes right out of the box." Obi-Wan said with a smirk.
"Oh I know." Anakin said, finishing his tea in one gulp.
"I'd love to chat Anakin, but I'm exhausted. Let's spar tomorrow?" Obi-Wan said.
"I'd love to. I'm sure I'll beat you this time." Anakin said.
"I wouldn't be so sure of that. Last time you got your ass handed to you on a silver platter by yours truly." Obi-Wan said, grinning.
"I was going easy on you!" Anakin blurted out, his face flushing red.
Obi-Wan's teasing caused Anakin's anger to flare up slightly.
Anakin was embarrassed by his Master's teasing and his outburst of anger.
His eyes fell to the floor.
"I'm sure you were." Kenobi said gently.
Anakin rolled his eyes at Obi-Wan's sudden kindness.
He smiled softly to himself as he noticed Anakin's pink cheeks.
He was cute when he blushed.
Obi-Wan almost brought his hand up to brush Anakin's cheek.
He went to do so, but then pulled his hand away.
Anakin felt a strong sense of attachment surge through their bond.
It felt warm and sweet.
Anakin stood up quickly, weirded out by this sudden display of almost-affection.
"I'm gonna hit the sack. I'm exhausted." Anakin said.
"Goodnight." Obi-Wan called out softly.
"Goodnight Master." Anakin said curtly as he closed the door to his room.
Obi-Wan was left sitting at the table alone, with his untouched tea cooling rapidly in his hands.
He stared at the hologram, but his eyes read nothing.
His thoughts raced.
Why had he wanted to caress Anakin's face?
Anakin was almost 19. He didn't need to be babied anymore.
Why had Anakin gotten so angry so quickly?
Obi-Wan shrugged off these strange feelings toward his Padawan, and went to his room to sleep.
Anakin quickly brushed his teeth and pulled off his outer robes.
As he lay down on his sleeping mat, his thoughts traveled to his Master.
His best friend.
His extremely handsome best friend.
"No. Having feelings for your Master and friend is way wrong. Obi-Wan would never like me like that."
Anakin scolded himself.
"He's your friend and nothing more. Remember Padmé? She is so pretty."
He remembered Padmé. They had met on multiple occasions. Most recently, Anakin and Obi-Wan had saved her from another assassination attempt.
Sometimes Anakin felt like he had feelings for her, but then he would remember Obi-Wan, and then he wasn't so sure.
Anakin and Obi-Wan would be seeing her soon.
He looked forward to it.
But Anakin still couldn't get the thoughts of Kenobi out of his head.
He drifted to sleep with these thoughts still swirling in his mind.
At the same time, Obi-Wan fell asleep while staring at the ceiling, meditating on attachments and a certain quite troublesome Padawan.

I hope you liked the first chapter! Remember to vote and comment! I love feedback, positive or negative.

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