F i v e

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"If I told you where I've been,
would you still call me baby?
If I told you everything,
Would you call me crazy?
Because baby I'm a dark star, dark star.
I'm a dark star, dark star."
Obi-Wan's eye lids fluttered open.
"Aarghhhh" he groaned, rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes.
What was that awful beeping?
He looked around the room, his eyes glancing over Anakin.
He smiled at the sleeping form of Anakin, his steady breaths rising and falling.
He smiled as he recalled the night before.
Anakin's lips on his own.
His taste. His touch.
A wave of possession washed over Obi-Wan.
Anakin was his.
Obi-Wan frowned on his attachments to Anakin.
It went against everything that Kenobi had ever been taught, but he didn't care.
Anakin was undisturbed by the beeping, still in deep sleep.
His eyes saw the flashing comlink.
What time was it?
He pressed the flashing green button.
"Master Kenobi. Where are you? We have an urgent mission. You and Master Skywalker are needed as soon as possible. You were supposed to report to the Council an hour ago." Mace Windu's angry voice blasted through the comlink.
Kenobi winced, then his eyes widened.
He had overslept.
"Sorry Master Windu, I will be there as soon as possible."
He ended the call.
He shook Anakin awake gently.
Anakin's eyes slowly.
"Anakin we have to go now. We overslept."
Anakin rolled over, grumbling something about needing five more minutes incoherently.
Obi-Wan pulled on his boots and cloak, and called upon the Force to summon his lightsaber to his hand.
Anakin groggily pulled himself together, and sat up.
Obi-Wan grinned softly at Anakin's messy hair.
The soft light caused it to have a golden glow.
Anakin was oblivious to Obi-Wan's admiration, he grabbed his robes quickly and brushed past Kenobi.
"Well we don't want to be late do we?" Anakin quipped.
"Too late..." Obi-Wan whispered.
The Council was going to roast them for being late.
When Anakin and Obi-Wan finally made it to the council, everyone was seated, all eyes on them.
Master Yoda spoke "Master Kenobi, unlike you it is to be late. Skywalker, however, late as usual. Are your bad habits rubbing off on Master Kenobi?"
Anakin's gaze was on the floor, his cheeks scarlet.
He muttered a quick "sorry".
"Anyways..." Kenobi spoke up quickly, trying to draw attention away from his embarrassed Padawan/lover, "what is this meeting about? Do we have a mission?"
"Actually yes." Windu said sharply.
"A diplomatic mission to the neutral planet Katar. We need to sway them to the Republic side, because they have a valuable space port we could use. I wanted to send Senator Amidala to the planet; she is a very good negotiator, but Master Yoda insisted you two be sent. Please don't mess this up; we don't want a repeat of what happened on Macheliva."
Obi-Wan nodded his head, "We are happy to be of assistance."
"The Mission Briefing has been sent to both of your HoloPads. Please review it. 2 star fighters have been prepared for launch. Any questions?" Master Fisto asked.
Anakin and Obi-Wan were silent.
"Dismissed, you are." Yoda said.
Anakin and Obi-Wan quickly walked out of the Council Room.
"See? I told you they would be pissed at us."
Anakin said.
Kenobi said nothing, and kept walking, his face flushed with embarrassment. He never had gotten rebuked by the Council before.
Hell, he was on the Council and had just gotten scolded by them.
Anakin reached out and grasped Obi-Wan's hand.
Obi-Wan's mouth downturned as he realized that this was a terrible idea.
"Anakin..." Obi-Wan warned. "We are in public."
Anakin ignored him.
Obi-Wan pulled his arm away.
"Look, just because we fucked doesn't mean we are a thing now." He hissed.
"I know we like each other but Anakin you must be patient." Obi-Wan said quietly.
Anakin seemed taken aback by Obi-Wan's words, and kept him distant as they prepared for their mission.
He answered questions, but supplied little else to the conversation.
Anakin and Obi-Wan boarded the ships, each in their own.
As their twin star fights sailed through the cold space at light speed, Obi-Wan, for the first time in a long time, felt nervous.
He cared for Anakin, and never before had thought about how dangerous this missions were.
Anakin, too, was nervous.
He couldn't loose Obi-Wan.
Finally, the ships dropped out of hyperspace, and approached the green-gray planet of Katar.
They landed, and Anakin approached Obi-Wan quickly.
"Let me do the talking Anakin" Obi-Wan whispered before the Katarians welcomed them with deep bows, their tradition greeting.
Obi-Wan and Anakin returned the gesture.
Queen Astar, ruler of the Katarians greeted them, along with her many guards.
She wore a long dress, with a headdress so elaborate  only Padmé's could compete with it.
"Follow me please, Jedi." she spoke in a cold voice, "we have much to discuss."

I am back!
So i reread this story and i want to finish it really badly so i will. I realized that this story seems childish and I haven't captured Anakin and Obi-wan's characters very well so I am going to try and fix it.
Please let me know what you think!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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