T h r e e

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"I'm a castaway,
and then reap what they sow,
and I'll say what I know to be true.
I'm living far away,
on the face of the moon.
I buried my love to give the world to you." 
"Senator Amidala. It's a pleasure to see you again. It has been far too long."  Kenobi spoke, gently shaking her hand.

"I agree, Master Kenobi. It is lovely to see you both again. And please, call me Padmé. We are all friends here." She spoke, her voice was clear and kind.

Anakin smiled at her. "You have grown even more beautiful. For a Senator I mean." He recovered quickly. Obi-Wan cringed at his Padawan's awkwardness, and felt a small tinge of jealousy.

Padmé smiled, but was put-off by Anakin's strange comment.
"Come everyone. We have much to discuss." She lead them into a seating area, where they discussed the reason they had been summoned.

"As you both know, you will only be here for a few days. I believe this is mostly diplomatic, however, attempts on my life have been made, so I believe one of you will be my bodyguard while the other talks with the other Senators. I know that this is not a Jedi's job, and nothing will happen, but Chancellor Palpatine insisted that I have a guard."

"I can be your guard if you want." Anakin said eagerly, "Obi-Wan likes politics better anyway."

Obi-Wan mentally face-palmed. His apprentice would most likely embarrass himself. He also frowned to himself. Yet another obvious indicator that Anakin was not interested in him.

Not that Obi-Wan cared or anything because he totally didn't.

Or at least that's what he kept telling himself.

"Well," the older man said, standing up, "I will go pick up dinner. I'm hungry."

"Master Kenobi, I can have one of my servants do that." Padmé insisted.

"It's fine, really" He said politely, wanting to get out of the incredibly awkward situation. Obi-Wan excused himself, leaving Anakin and Padme alone in the suite.

"I missed you Padmé . It truly has been too long." Anakin said, slowly inching closer to her, and gently stroked her arm.

A brief wince passe over Padmé's face as Anakin became more and more flirty.

The funny thing was that Anakin didn't feel like he liked Padme as more than a friend. He just felt obligated to do so.

They talked awkwardly for awhile, and finally Anakin leaned in to kiss Padme.

Padmé leaned in to meet his lips.

Their lips met for a moment, but it wasn't magical.

Something felt off to Anakin, like he would rather be kissing someone else. Someone a bit more masculine, who didn't just yield to him.

Someone like Obi-Wan.


Anakin Skywalker realized in that moment that he liked Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Padme pulled away abruptly.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have. Anakin, I'm not really interested in anyone right now."

Anakin looked crestfallen for only a moment. "It's fine. I shouldn't have either. I'm kind of...interested in someone else." He said, trying desperately to hide the small amount hurt in his voice.

"A certain someone named...Obi-Wan?" she said, with a devilish grin.

Anakin inhaled sharply, choking on the water he had been sipping. It was as if she had read his mind.

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