Chapter 5 - Charmed

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Ross knock on the door of Aria's apartment at exactly 6 o'clock. He wore a dark blue polo shirt and black jeans. A minute later, the door opens revealing Aria who is wearing a white shirt under a black leather jacket and black skin tight jeans. Her emerald eyes glow as she smiles at him.

'Punctuality has never been my strong point. Good thing you are.' She teased.

Ross grins back at her. 'I don't want to make a beautiful lady wait. Shall we?'

'We shall.'

Aria laughs as she wrap her hand in his arm after she lock her door. When she turn around, her jaw drop while staring at their ride. A black Camaro sits in front of her driveway. Ross opened the passenger seat like a gentleman would and let her settle down. Then he went to the driver seat and they left.

After 30 minutes, they arrive at a restaurant. When they got out of the car, Aria found the place atop a hill with a magnificent view of the city lights glowing in the dark. The concierge led them to a table outside just a bit far from the jostle of the restaurant. It gives them privacy. As soon as they get settled and the waiter took their orders, Aria stared at the fascinating view in front of her. The glittering city lights beneath a dark moonless sky.

'Beautiful, isn't it?' Ross said as he stare at Aria.

'Yes, thank you for taking me here. I love the view.' She replied still gazing at the beauty before her. When Ross didn't reply, she turn her head and found him watching at her. Her cheeks turn to a rose color as she smile shyly at him. Ross smiled back and continue to gaze at her lovingly.

'So tell me, what was that you were telling me about beloveds?'

'That was nothing. As you said, it was a way to get your attention.'

'I don't think so. Your insistence makes it believable that you are telling the truth.'

Ross think for a moment weighing the pros and cons if he will tell her anything. There will only be 2 outcome. Either she believes him and remember, or she don't and think him as a lunatic. But with everything on the line, he has to take a risk. He decided to tell her everything.


'Alright, I don't know if you will believe me but I will tell you what it means. Just don't freak out and let me finish my story first.'


'Do you believe in vampires?'

'You mean the blood sucking creatures?'


'Sure. Gossips and mythologies are half-meant true. Even the bible was based on some facts. Authors hide the real meaning behind the stories. How is it related to yours?'

'If I tell you that I am a vampire, will you believe me?'

'Will you show your fangs?'

'Are you going to run?'


'Maybe later.' He said as he look around the vicinity. The place is quite packed and Aria understood his meaning.

'Oh. Alright. On with your story.'

'There were 2 clans governing the vampires-'

'Were? Past tense?'

'Yes. The 2 clans have different abilities. One sucks blood and the other takes life. Now only the one who sucks blood are alive.'

'And what happened to the one who takes life?'

'They were destroyed.'


'There was a treaty protecting the clans however someone killed all the members of that clan. No one knows how or why but that morning, we all learned of the disaster. We investigated but couldn't find anything. It turned to a cold case. Nobody knew what happened.'

'So are you saying that you just let it go?'

'Yes. All members of that clan was gone. The only one alive is the heir.'

'That's too sad. Wait, if the heir is alive, would that mean that he is in danger?'

'Yes. And the heir is a girl.'


'So what did your family do to the heir? Are you keeping her safe?'

'No one from my family knows of it. They know that everyone is dead. And I prefer to keep it that way until I find a way to save her.'


'She is my beloved. And with her ability, I know that my family will try to kill her. I won't let that happen.'

'You said I am your beloved. Are you saying I am the heir? Wait, does this mean I am a vampire too?'

'Well, I am not sure why your scent is like a human but I know that you are mine. I smell Agnieszka's scent in you and you look very much like her.'

'Eh? What if I am her descendant?'

'Impossible. Only their beloved can impregnate them.'

'Woah! Information overload.'

'Ha! Ha! Sorry but I have to tell you everything. You still haven't remembered?'

'If I did, what will you do?'

'I'll take you away from here. They don't need to know you are alive and with your scent right now, I don't think they will know.'

'But you are a prince. Sooner or later, you will need to marry.'

'I'll think of something when the time comes.'

Aria got quiet thinking about what Ross told her. She like what he proposed for her safety and yet, she knows that it will hinder her mission. She is having trouble telling him the truth or keeping it from him. After a few moments of debating with herself, her decision is made.

'I'm sorry Ross but with everything you told me, I don't think I want to be near you. Especially with you telling me I am a vampire princess and you are my beloved. I don't remember anything about that. If you need to erase my memory, it's fine.'

'I knew this would happen. But I will not remove your memory, Aria. It will keep you safe to know what we are. Just please never tell this to another soul.'

'Of course. Nobody will believe me anyway. But thank you Ross.'

Ross smiled sadly which made Aria contemplate on her decision but with her inner persona living within her, she knows that she doesn't have a choice. She return the smile with a fleeting sorrow.

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