Chapter 2

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"That is such a frat boy thing". Elise was having the time of her life. Like seriously. I looked at my phone and then back at her. She took another fork full of whatever serving of stir fry she was having. It has been an hour since we sat down and there was so much conversation going on.

"Frat bot thing?! Hmm... that's a first," Jacob said in a loud tone, drawing even more attention to the table where we were seated.

"Yes, frat boy thing. What frat boy doesn't go fishing," Elise looked at me for confirmation and when I wasn't giving any, she turned back and stared at each of the guys in an attempt to get a confession out of them.

"Well, I don't fish, or even know how to", Axel replied. Jacob, on the other hand, had a funny expression on his face. He was having a hard time believing that Elise would make such a generalization and in my opinion, he was over-reacting.

"Oh please, when you meet another frat boy who can catch a thirty-pound bass with a spear, let me know", he replied cockily with a wink and smoothed his hair causing me to simultaneously roll my eye.

I hadn't said much throughout the time we had been there and I was afraid I was beginning to look anti-social. I mean, I knew a little about fish, so I decided to let myself go.

"Thirty pounds? Oh please, I caught a fifty-pound trout with my little brother. All I needed were some worms, goggles and these bad boys", I added making funny gestures with my hands. I noticed Jacobs green eyes dilate. He is definitely overreacting. Like for real, what is it with this dude and fishing.

"That's impossible", he replied. "First, we don't get fish that big in this area and second, your too scrawny to do anything that hardcore."

"Oh please, your just jealous because you've never done anything this hardcore, and just so you know, I'm not from the area," I made sure to add finger quotes on 'hardcore' and 'area' just to get a reaction from him and Elise burst out laughing.

Jacob looked at Axel and Lucas for back up and they both rose their hands in surrender. It was obvious they didn't want to get into the conversation. I could see him tighten his jaw and I almost burst out laughing. I took a sip of my orange juice, and looked at him while doing so. It's funny how things taste better when someone else is getting their butthurt.

"You know we should actually go fishing," he suggested. "You know, people call me the King, and I need to show you why." Okay for real, what is with him and fishing.

"I think he is asking for a challenge, is that a challenge?" Elise chimed ecstatically. I scowled at her.

"No thanks, Mr. King. I'd rather go home and appreciate my trout. You know we've been eating that same fish since we caught it last month." I took another sip of juice while holding eye contact. I could tell he was getting more agitated. Bro, it's just fish.

"OOOH", Axel cooed. I could tell he was enjoying this.

Jacob had really tan skin, otherwise, I could have sworn he just turned red. "I'd like to see your fish or at least a picture of this fish you speak of", he asked in a softer tune this time. "I mean seeing is believing."

"Believe first, then you shall see," I stated mockingly. He opened his phone and started texting someone. I could tell he was done and I was so satisfied.

"Look!" Jacob started, gesturing for me to look at a picture on his phone. I was wrong, he wasn't done yet. It was a picture of him holding a very large fish which I assumed is his trophy bass. Jacob stood shirtless in the picture which was taken by the riverside. He was wearing khaki shorts and flip-flops and his fancy fishing spear was laid beside him. I could sense how proud he was of his fish from the photo. He stood akimbo lifting the fish above his head like it was a trophy. I didn't realize how muscular and tall he was.

I scoffed. "Oh please, it's not that impressive." I lied.

"Guys, we need to head out," Lucas reminded. I could tell he wasn't interested in listening to any more of my back and forth with Jacob.

We headed out of the cafeteria and I'm almost sure I heard people let out relieved sighs as we left. Even though I wouldn't necessarily admit it, I was actually glad I got to meet these people and I secretly hoped we could do more stuff together. Jacob and his friends seemed like they lived without a care in the world and while hanging out with them, I got a first-hand experience of how life could be so much easier if all of its time wasn't spent worrying about the future. Deep down, I wanted to feel this way every single day. Jacob had suggested that we go trout hunting the next day and even though I declined, I wanted him to bring it up again because I genuinely wanted to hang out with them again.

"I can't believe you," Jacob started again. We had made our way across the cafeteria and were now walking to Elise and I's residence.

"By now you've probably realized that Jacob has an obsession with fish. We do not engage in fishy conversation around him because, well, you can see." Lucas stated. It was obvious that he was trying to get a reaction out of Jacob because he kept glancing over at him as he spoke. Jacob who wasn't wiser fell into the trap and smacked Lucas on his head while muttering something under his breath. I think he said something that rhymes with 'bass-bowl'. Axel and Elise burst out laughing which only caused Jacob to react even further.

"You know what," Jacob yelled as we arrived at my building. He walked faster and turned around to face us. I wondered if he was naturally this competitive or if fish just made him this way "I don't care if I have to forcefully take you there against your will, but we are going fishing tomorrow."

"Careful dude. Are you trying to become a felon?" Axel jokingly warned. Jacob just scowled at him. Personally, I was happy that he brought it up again, but I just got a good feeling from seeing him go mad.

"No, can't do. Let's go Elise." I grabbed Elise by her arm as I denied Jacob's offer again.

"Yes, yes can do." He retorted and moved to the doorway to block my entrance. "You're not going anywhere till I have your word." He just wasn't quitting. "Don't be a chicken!" he said sarcastically as he signaled to the guys who understood just what he meant and began mimicking chicken. They danced and clucked and pranced about. Elise was getting a good laugh and she joined them. So, there I was the only sane one in the midst of all this madness.

"Fine," I muttered in a tone that didn't give up my façade. Even though I was excited to go fishing, I couldn't let them know, especially Jacob.

I watched them rejoice and I curled my lips.

"Pick you up at 5." Jacob was all too excited. I was excited too and I could tell Elise and the guys were excited.


Hey guys, I'm right on schedule with my update hahaha. I tried to give a little insight into Nadine's life, but I don't know how well I did. I really hope you enjoy this. Remember to Comment and Vote if you want (Cote :) !!!) I added cast but I only figured out who plays Jacob. I'm still building up personality and physical traits for the others. Spoiler for next chapter? I think not. See you in two days hahaha...

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