Chapter 6

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I tossed and turned on my bed. My bedside clock read 5:00 am. It was dawn and I had only managed to get about 2 hours of sleep. My thoughts were consumed with last nights events. Those same seven thoughts played back in my mind like the lyrics a catchy song I learned in elementary school. They were ordered in roughly the same pattern.

"Does Jacob like me?"

"I guess Jacob is kind of attractive."

"Wait, what about Elise? I think she likes him."

"Lucas, I think I like Lucas."

"I also think Lucas likes Elise"

"It doesn't even matter they are all my friends."

"Stop overthinking things."

I picked up my phone to text Elise.

The drive back from St. Augustine had been really awkward. Lucas had agreed to drive Axel's car back to campus after Axel had whined about being too tired to move a muscle. Lucas was caring and a great friend to these guys and I noticed every single bit of it. The guys shared a three-way bromance. Lucas was caring and sensitive, Jacob was adventurous and outspoken while Axel made everyone laugh. If I had to guess, I would say that Axel was the glue that mediated the relationship between Lucas and Jacob which gave birth to a beautiful bromance. The kind that you only read about in books.

I hadn't talked to Elise since we left the ice cream shop and I noticed that she hadn't talked to me either. I mean, we had conversations as a group altogether but she never actually directly spoke to me and nor did I speak to her. Although I wasn't upset with her, I didn't want to risk finding out what her reaction would be if I had talked to her directly knowing she was upset with me. Elise was unpredictable and there was no telling what she was capable of.

Lucas drove Elise and I back in the sedan and Axel and Jacob rode together in his truck. I could still sense that Elise was icing me out and I didn't want to push it. I mostly tried to talk to Lucas and Lucas mostly talked to Elise. They had talked a lot about everything. Lucas asked Elise about her life, her history, and he listened to every detail she said. I felt like the third wheel. If I didn't know better, I would have thought he was trying really hard to get to know her but that couldn't be possible, right? I mean, we had just shared a moment a couple hours ago.

"Hey, are we okay?" I drafted the text. I was a little worried and scared of what her response would be. I wanted to have a best friend and the last thing I needed was Elise hating me because of Jacob. I pushed send.

I watched the message status, go from sent to delivered then read. Good! She was awake. I saw the bubbles pop on the screen for a couple seconds then disappear. Immediately, I started to lose my patience. I felt like Elise was being childish and I was tired of being the bigger person. I started to let out all my frustrations by soliloquizing audibly on my bed then I heard a knock.

I cracked open my door to reveal Elise standing outside in her pajama shorts and a tank top. Her hair was put up in a bun and she had some glasses on. I had no idea that she used glasses. I was beginning to realize that I didn't know Elise as much as I thought I did.

"I was hoping we could talk in person." She muttered barely looking at me. I nodded, moved aside and made way for her to come into my room. There was no way she was this mad about Jacob. I mean, she barely even knows the guy.

Elise made her way to my bed and sat there.

"I think I like Jacob." She finally declared.

"I figured," I responded almost immediately and slightly rolling my eye.

"I know I don't know him that well, but I have a crush on him and I am wondering if you wouldn't be as close to him so that I can get to know him." She added and for the first time in the last couple of hours, I saw her eyes meet mine. I definitely did not know a lot about Elise but this was definitely a shock for me. I mean, I didn't like Jacob but what if I did. This was a very selfish thing to ask of me but I let it go. I wanted her to be my friend.

"You can't expect me to not talk to him", I replied. A scowl formed on my face. "Trust me, I don't like him, I think I like.." I caught myself and stopped talking.

"Like who?" she asked as she widened her eyes. "I mean, I know you don't like him but I think he may like you." she completed.

Elise deserved better than to go after a guy who was not interested in her but I couldn't bring myself to tell her that. I really am a chicken. Elise came off as an entitled girl who had always gotten what she wanted. She didn't know Jacob enough to like him but she definitely wanted his attention and I was starting to understand that she would go great lengths to get what she wanted. I mean she's gorgeous, but even gorgeous girls can't always get everything they want. Despite my strong feelings, I couldn't bring myself to say anything to her.

"I don't think he likes me, he barely knows me," I said hinting at the fact that she was obsessing over a guy she barely knew.

"It's Lucas, I feel like he gets me. I don't know that I like him for sure but I want to get to know him." I stated again answering her previous question. I regretted my honesty immediately but it was already too late. Now, I just had to trust Elise to not do anything to hurt me which as I was starting to realize might be difficult.

"No way!" she yelped. "I was starting to think he had a thing for me. He's cute!" She laughed in a joking manner. "I mean, I know you like him now, so I'll let you have him," she added snidely but in a joking fashion. Whom did she think she was by saying she'll let me have him? Lucas is a sentient human with the ability to chose whom he dates and she had no right to say that she was giving him to me like he was her possession. However, a part of me - the part that paid attention during the road trip home - was afraid that Lucas was after her heart.

"So, let me get this straight. You like Lucas, and I like Jacob. Also, Jacob clearly likes you and I think Lucas likes me." she rubbed her eyes and yawned a little. It was 5 a.m. and she looked stunning as ever. I could never compete with her.

"I guess so," I muttered under my breath.

"It's okay, we both want the best for each other right?" she added. Why did I feel like this was a trap?

"Right!" I muttered.

"Then let's make a pact" she got excited and adjusted her position on my bed. "I'll focus on Jacob, and you can have your way with Lucas." she started. "However, we need to seal this deal so that it means something".

I was confused at this point. What did she want? Did she want us to spit on our right hands and shake each other? Elise pulled closer to where I was sitting on the bed and she brought her face close to mine so that she was staring into my eyes. I thought she was going to kiss me but she whispered: "Let's have a sleepover, that way every time we see the guys we can remember the good times and how meaningful our friendship is to each of us." She pulled back and lay under the sheets of my bed. I joined her after I got up to lock the doors.

Elise was lying so close to me and she seemed extremely comfortable knowing that she was making me very uncomfortable.


A little bit shorter but let me know what you think.


Also, what do you guys feel about Elise?

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