chapter 2, the man

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The piercing bell rings through the halls letting all of Casper high know it is now home time, sighing Danny walks against the crowds of rushing teenagers, staring at the floor as he pushes through to the office of the English teacher who had called him to stay behind in class this morning. Slipping through the door of Mr. Lancers office Danny takes a seat not daring to even glance in his parents direction. "Danny, whats wrong honey?" His mother asks sweetly "nothing I'm fine" Danny mutters still refusing to look up from his twiddling thumbs. Mr. Lancer clears his throat and opens his mouth to speak, "Jack, Maddy your son,Daniel has been late to my classes more times then I can count and it does start to become inconvenient to his learning and my teaching, is there any way we can solve this?" He says in a soft and concerning way, almost... almost like he really cared. Finally looking up Danny takes a deep breath. "Sir its not my parents fault I'm late. I just need to walk faster" he says slightly defense. Also muthering a soft "if anything it's the stupid ghosts" under his breath. And as if on que the all to familiar tingling ran down his spin as a small puff of breath left the young boys lungs. Lunging up Danny lets out a yelp " uhh excuse me sir can I go to the bathroom!" He says in a rush.
Raising his eyebrow in suspicion the teacher nods "I guess so, I would like to have a chat with your parents in private anyway" he says. Nodding slightly Danny rushes out the office door and down the hall yelling the usual "I'm going ghost!" As the glowing rings envelope him transforming the much dislikeed teen to the beloved ghost boy Danny phantom.
He flies out to meet the ghost, sporting a metal armor exoskeleton, skulker was often referred to by other ghosts as the ghost zones best hunter, today however he was cowering in fear as the shadow of a mysterious cloaked figure loomed over him. Staying a cautious and safe distance back Danny hid behind a small patch of shrubbery out the front of the school, observing the strange scene.
"Please I have no clue where the boy is just don't hurt me!" The usually confident hunter crys as he cowers. "Tell me how to find Daniel phantom" the hooded figure says calmly, his voice deep and... familiar . Danny creeps out catching skulker eye, holding a finger up to his lips Danny makes a shushing gesture so his cover is not blown. Skulker understanding this looks back to the hooded figure "look I already told you I DONT KNOW!, he usually comes to me if I'm causing havoc! You want the boy find him yourself" skulker says his usual confidence apparent in his voice. Danny bites his lip before flying full force at the hooded figure. Knocking him down, Danny stands over him smiling down "hello sir I hear your looking for me, mind me asking why?" He says his hand lighting up with green ectoplasim as he readys for and attack. The figure stands only the smirk playing his lips visible from under the cloak "Daniel phantom, you are young for a ghost?" The man asks flipping off Danny's previous question with a voice of slight confusion. "I guess so but still why do you want to Know?" Danny says still in a fighting stance.
"Well Daniel phantom, I am hear to terminate you, in order to save the everyone from my future from us!" The hooded man says his already deep voice finding a way even lower to a creepy and harsh tone. The man lunges forward in attack. His movement showing Danny the man was human. He threw rather skillfull punches and jabs. As though he knew all Danny's fallback fighting moves. Letting out a twin stream of ectoblasts danny concentrates on keeping the foe at bay "skulker get out of hear!" The teen ghost yells skulker not bothering to argue immediately flys back to the ghost zone.
Danny stops the blasts hopefulhe didn't actually hurt the man, he never really though on how the human would be affected by his ectoblasts. Thankfully he was not hurt just tried out, it appeared to Danny like the ectoblasts had affected him like tazer of sorts, they seemed to have electrocuted the man into a sort of semistunned paralysis momentarily. Not taking any longer Danny rushed back into the school where the green rings again envelope him. Becoming his human form Danny runs back to lancers office. Knowing they would wonder what took him so long he bit his lip and knocked. "Danny your back, good we have a possible solution" lancer says as Danny makes his way through the door, shutting it behind him. "Oh ok" he says the hooded man still fresh on his mind. Was he the one vlad had ment the opponent that would be almost impossible for him to beat. Vlad never said he would be human. A human opposition is definitely on the unbeatable side, if Danny can't attack without harming then how can he fight. At least with ghost he knows they can actually take the pain, they still feel it but they are tolerable of it. A human if he were to attack could get seriously hurt or even killed.
"Danny!" Muddy shouts. He looks up to the adults "huh?" He mumbles "Danny were you even listening?" Lancer asks slight annoyance playing through. "Um sorry no I guess I was really deep in thought, what were you saying?" Danny says sheepishly.
"Well I was saying that in order to get to school on time you might walk with your sister? I'm sure Jasmine would be able to get you to school on time safely" lancer says. Nodding Danny agrees "I guess that would work, can I go home now?" He asks.
Lancer nods while Danny's parents stand "ok well I'll see you in class tomorrow Danny. Jack, Maddy it was nice talking with you" lancer says shaking there hands and then the family walk out to the r.v in the parking lot or as Jack Fenton called it the Fenton family ghost mobile. Or something like that. The trip home was silent. Danny thinking over the encounter and his parent's still disappointed that there son had not told them he was always late. When they could have helped.

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