~Chapter 9~ Dreams and hiding places.

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÷Mai's POV÷
At the point of my death I woke up....it was a nightmare it's okay.
I cheked my phone for the time and OMG it's 9 I need to be at school then I notice I have a text message, its from sam.
S: hey uh are you okay
M: Uh yeah I had a night mare and slept in sorry I'm really not feeling well either
S: well if it makes you feel any better I had a nightmare too
About you....uh.....killing your self because of me
M: wait wait....WHAT?!?!?!
I had the exsect same dream but the other way around
S: okay aaayyyyy.. This is weird
M: I'm scared
S: awwww don't be well class has started so I gtg byeeee

And that was that
×Sam's POV×
(Sam do as I say....lie to her....you don't want to acually speak to her. Do you?)
This strange voice at the back of my head keeps telling me to do this so I send a.simple text saying that tutor let us out early...Yeah that's what happend.
After million of classes I could go home. Finally. I thought I should stop by Mai's house see if she was okay.
*knock knock*
No answer came the stern reply. I called her phone
Voice mail
Hmmmm must be asleep so I headed home.
÷Mai's POV ÷
There was someone in my house and I was in the closet...Yup the closet. Anyway I heard a knock at the door. Sam. But this person was in my house. My phone started ringing
I let it go to voice mail.
This person entered my room looked under the bed looked in my other closet and under my desk and opened the door to the closet I was in.i stopped breathing. He shut the door and said something.
'Mai I will find you'
I let out a sigh of relief hearing the foot step go down the hall way. He stopped
Returned to my room
Opened the closet
'I found youuuuuu'

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