Chapter Ten : The Change in his Snake Heart

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Ellia hasn't been in the room before, the room which she was now in. Narcissa must have kept it hidden, as it was filled with Christmas decorations and a huge decorated tree in the middle.

"It's beautiful," she commented, as she followed the Malfoys towards the tree and settled down beside Draco. She'd given Narcissa her present for Draco two days beforehand, and she could see the small wrapped gift under the tree.

"Glad you like it," Narcissa smiled, settling down on one of the four armchairs around the Christmas tree. Lucius sat down beside her, then Draco, then Ellia. For a moment they all just sat their taking in the sight of the tree, the lights glistening and sparkling. Ellia never expected Christmas at the Malfoys to be this spectacular, however she knew the decorations and food to follow would probably be the only spectacular things, especially since Lucius was home.

"Narcissa, a gift for you," Lucius said, picking up a small wrapped box and handing it to his wife. Slowly tearing the gift wrap delicately, Narcissa opened her present to reveal a silk black box. Opening the box, her eyes lit up as she pulled out a gold chain.

"Lucius," Narcissa paused, the corners of her lips rising, "Lucius, it's perfect. It's just like the one I lost. But how?"

"Magic, my love," Lucius said, taking the chain from her hands, "Magic." As she moved her hair for him, he placed the necklace around her neck before sitting back down in his chair.

"Draco, you next," Narcissa said, pointing to a large pile of gifts under the tree. One by one, Draco unwrapped all of the presents to reveal the gifts inside them ; a new Nimbus 3000 broomstick, a jumbo box of Bertie Bott's every flavour jelly beans, a book on Advanced Magic, a few items of clothing and other gifts. He stacked a pile of them all, before picking up a narrow box and handing it over to Ellia.

"Merry Christmas," He said, as Ellia smiled and took the gift, unwrapping the paper. Revealed was a narrow box, inside of it was Ellia's wand. The wand that she had once lost and never found again, instead she'd been borrowing everybody else's.

"My wand," Ellia replied, "But how?" She looked up at Draco after studying her wand, as Draco sat smiling at her.

"I visited Olivander and paid for him to fix your wand after I found it lying on the floor at Hogwarts," Draco said, watching his girlfriend study the fixed wand.

"Hogwarts? I didn't leave it at Hogwarts," Ellia whispered, quiet enough for the rest of the Malfoys to not hear. Narcissa then handed Ellia a gift, a Advanced Potions book, before Ellia handed Draco's final gift to him. "It's not much, but I figured you would like the sentiment of it," she told Draco as he held the small box in his hand. It wasn't anything big and fancy, it was all she could afford given the fact she was using her father's inheritance to help pay Spinners Ends bills.

"Ellia, it's, it's amazing," Draco gushed, unraveling a snake wrapped ring for his index finger. Sliding it onto his finger, Draco admired the item of jewellery that represented his old Hogwarts hosts Slytherin. Even Narcissa and Lucius looked in awe at the ring, tiny emerald gems engraved in the metal for eyes.

"Where did you get it from Ellia? I must say it is truly marvellous," Narcissa asked her, as Draco held his hand forward to show his parents the ring on his index finger.

"Just a shop near Diagon Alley," Ellia informed Narcissa, as she traces her finger along the rings rim and loops that enclosed around Draco's finger.

"It's a snake, the sign of Slytherin. But why?" Lucius asked Ellia, knowing her hate of Slytherin, "You were a Gryffindor."

"One of the bravest Slytherins a know, it's a symbol," Ellia explained to Lucius, "He may have the cunning and ambitious traits of a Slytherin, but he is still brave and like a Gryffindor. Yet I'm sure it is important to you that he remember where he came from, so the snake is a constant reminder."

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