Chapter Thirty : The Pitiful Sentance of Poison

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Patricia strode in the room with wizards at her sides, a heavy grip on her arms but not armed, for it was known that Patricia was likely to take any weapons or wands they may hold to escape and kill more. Whilst unguarded, Patricia had not gained this chance. Though the guards may be unprotected by any weapons or wands, there were those inside the room with wands who could easily kill her or cause serious damage if need be.

Standing forth to trial Patricia was Kingsley Shacklebolt, the current, but soon not to be, Minister of Magic, with his successor beside him, Hermione Granger, invited for she had finished her missed year at Hogwarts late in the last day's of June. Both stood in judgement of Patricia and her viscous deeds as they awaited her to seated before them.

Patricia's clothing was torn and worn, her hair curled back in a slanted bun as she was forced into the wooden seat stood in the centre of the room. From a distance, it would be believed that she resembled Bellatrix Lestrange, though not crazily in love with a vindictive and ruthless man. No, that was just his family. Her arms and legs were strapped to the chair using thick rope and spells, to see her her position and ruin her chances of escaping the Ministry's clasp.

And now it was the Ministry's time to decide; may she be killed, or may she live in utter shame and seclusion. For what would be the worse fate, surely death would keep her from escaping, yet seclusion away from society could be a fate worse than death, for she would have to live with the horrors of her wrong doings and the loneliness till the day she met her father in hell.

"You've been ever so quiet since we've arrived Draco," Ellia said, dragging herself to her feet from the couch that she had be lightly perched on before, "Has something happened?" Draco glanced up at her from the couch, his eyes examining the beauty before him. He'd never want to leave her again, never in a million years.

"I've just been thinking, that is all," He replied, receiving frown in return as Ellia crossed her arms.

"Thinking? Thinking about what?" She questioned him, "Is something wrong Draco?"

"I've been thinking about you, about us, about everything," A lump formed in Ellia's throat as she drew a breath.

"Everything?" She asked him, chewing on her nail as Draco nodded, standing up to face her.

"Everything," He replied, taking hold of both her hands in the palms of his hands, "Thinking about how lucky I am to have you, to have us, to be with you." Ellia's lips stretched across her face from cheek to cheek as her eyes lit up and her cheeks reddened in embarrassment.

"Draco, I...."

"Shhhh," he said, cupping his hands around her cheeks and brining her face towards his own, "I just want you." He placed his lips softly against her, before moving his hands to her waist and gripping his touch around her.

"Patricia is being sentenced today." The mood was suddenly cut short in the room as Draco's eyes met Ellia's, his mind baffled by her sudden comment. He questioned her, asking,

"Why do you suddenly care Ellia? You will finally be free of her, of the poison that is the Parkinson family; Patrick and Patricia. They've hunted down your father, your mother, your aunt and you since you were a baby, and now the last of the family will be free from your clasps. Do you actually care for her?"

Ellia shook her head vigorously, her hair flicking side to side, 'No Draco, I just have morals and though I hate her for everything that she had done to me and my family, I refuse to wish death on her."

"Surely death is what she deserves? Surely she must suffer? That girl is poison!" Draco snapped at Ellia, letting go of his passionate grip around her.

"Draco! I know who is she is and what she has done, but death shouldn't be granted to nobody! I don't disagree that she must suffer. But death?" Ellia questioned him, sitting down on the crimson couch.

"I'm sorry, Ellia, I really am. I just have so much hatred for her, she's taken you from me more than once, and I..."

"Draco shut up. You're not a sorry person, but I won't blame you for it. She can suffer, but not death. Just not death," Ellia insisted.

"Do you wish to go to her hearing? I can take you there," Draco suggested, sitting down beside her.

"Do you think it would help?" Ellia asked him, resting her head on his shoulder.

"I think it would put you to some sort of peace over the situation, and then we can start fresh," Draco replied, wrapping his arm around her.

"Okay, we shall go then," Ellia said, "And I'm sorry for snapping. It was my bad, and..."

"Ellia, you don't need to explain yourself. I'll take you to see her trial."

Patricia sat in the wooden chair with the Wizencourt before her, judging what her punishment would be. They'd tried Azkaban many years ago, yet that had never changed her mind or her ways. It can be considered that it was partly due to her father, and his frantic ways and his persistent influence around her. Or she was just completely mad.

The door squeaked open as in poured Draco Malfoy and Ellia Snape, hand in hand, united, as Patricia's punishment was to be made. Though strapped to her chair, Patricia still had the slight freedom to peer around the wooden chair to see them. The very thought brought a nauseous feeling to her throat.

"You cannot expect me to be sentenced with her in my company," Patricia hissed, attempting to release herself from a restrains as she watched Ellia and Draco join the witnesses of Patricia's trial, including her old step-mother Lunaria, her daughter and Patricia's sister Pansy, and Mr Ravenclaw.

"SILENCE!" Kingsley boomed, stood beside Hermione Granger as he prepared to gift Patricia his verdict after many discussions, "Miss Patricia Parkinson, on this day forward, the 1st of September 1999, you are hereby sentenced to a life sentence of seclusion in the midst underground Azkaban on the bane of death."

The room fell silent, Patricia's eyes widening.

"Kill me, please just kill me! Get it over and done with!" Patricia screamed, tugging on her restraints, "Or better, kill her!" She motioned towards Ellia, screaming constantly.

"It appears her punishment is worse than death," Ellia murmured, lowering her head.

"She won't ever hurt you again, trust me," Draco whispered into Ellia's ear, tightening his grip on her hand as he felt Ellia begin to panic, "You are safe now."

"Draco, I've never been safe, but unlike Patricia, I'll never be alone again."

Guys I'm 16!!! My birthday was 4 days ago, but still!!! I'm legal to get a scratch card😂😂😂

And I've updated! First time since January! Wow..... I've been too inactive however you guys have still been going strong. I apologise for not updating sooner, but I've just been working my socks off revising for my GCSEs and I've started working weekends now so I have less time, but it's not excuse. I've left you guys hanging for too long.

Anyway, I wrote this and my instant thought was 'bye bye bitch' to Patricia..

Or is it bye...

(I don't actually know, I've not planned past the next chapter)

I hope you enjoyed the little filler chapter,
And thank you for your votes and comments and follows!

Peace ✌🏻️ x

Summer x

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