Chapter 6 ~TY NO!! ~

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HIA DOODS!!! I am on dah bus waiting for my stop. Just chilling and I thought I should do a chapter!! I hope ya doods liked my last chapter if you ever get confused just tell me and I will try to help! anyways, here ya go lovelies!!
~ Sky POV ~
I got to Ty's bedroom door and noticed how beat up his door was. I slowly lifted my shaky hand to the knob, only to find it locked. Dammit! I am gonna get this open even if I have to knock it down! And that is what I will do. I take a step back and ram my shoulder into the hard, cold wood. CRACK. The doors hinges slightly popped off. One more. My shoulder was sore from the first blow to the door. I took two steps back. "HAHA, YOUR BOYFRIEND IS HERE TO SAVE YA ISN'T HE, GAYBOI??" I heard his dad yell with a slight laugh. This definitely got me mad enough to knock the entire wall down. I slung my shoulder into the cracked door and closed my eyes. The last thing I saw was the door hinges flying off in one quick motion. When I opened my eyes it seemed as if everything was in slow motion. I saw Ty's lifeless body on the floor with his dumb ass dad above him, laughing an evil villain laugh. I looked under my feet to see a old door under me. Everything processed in my head. I knocked that door down. That was my Ty. And that was his dad beating him. And those...were cuts....on his wrist...everywhere...all up his arms. "TY!!" I screamed so loud I hurt my voice. His body shook and twitched for a second then nothing. My face was burning hot and I took all the strength I had, and threw my balled up fist into his dad's face. Too drunk to move quick enough, he fell to the ground with a hard hit. He was unconscious. I leaned down on the floor next to Ty and checked his wrist for a pulse. He had a pulse. Good. Cuts. Not good. I ran my thumb gently over the fresh wounds. Ty shivered and started mumbling. "Momstopit!" I could make it out 'mom, stop it!' B-but his mom was dead. He must be dreaming about her. I have got to get him to my house. I pick him up bridal-style and quietly take him down the hall. I kick open the front door. Still raining. I run with my crush in my arms and open the door of my car. I gently set Ty across the back seats. He looked so cute. Wait, focus Adam! Ok! I need to get home. NOW!

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