Chapter 17 ~ Progressing? ~

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HEY DOODS1\! sorry for the short chapter. i am exausted and just want to say i cant be on 24-7 becasue i am not supposed to be using it at all. BoxOfTomatoeFairy please call my mom's phone when you get the chance! i wanna know if you are still sick! here ya go lovley!

Deadlox POV~

I slept well through the rest of the night with an occasional vision of my mom. What? This is going too far, I really am crazy. As she emerged, she wore a beautiful, elegant wedding dress and curled chocolate brown hair was flowing around under her veil. Her bangs imitated mine, swooping across her forehead, emphasizing the word beautiful. She held a dead bouquet of black, dying roses in her bony fingers. She was crying, smearing her makeup down her cheeks, and creating think black streaks. She raised her arm out towards me, attempting to engulf me in her arms, but her moves were choppy and made her look demonic. Her gaze met mine and those eyes were not as I had remembered as a child. They haunted me. "He will kill you! Stay away please!" The words flowing from her mouth were echoing from all directions around me, slamming into my eardrums and making my head throb. She then collapsed, as if someone had shot her.  I tried to yell, straining my throat, but my lips were stuck together with a strong strip of gray duck tape. When I reached up to pry it off, I noticed my hands were tied behind my back and I was being seated into a wooden chair. All I was capable of at that point was to watch her suffer and let the hot tears run down my cheeks. My vision went hazy and my mother's body began to flicker away. No! I wanted to know who was coming after me. I didn't want to mention this to Sky because I wanted to let him think I was OK. It's morning now, and I flinch at a beam of sunlight peering in from the bedroom door and into the room. Without moving, I shift my eyes around the room and adjust to the brightness. I roll over, making the matress's springs moan and groan with life. Trying not to wake up Sky, I slowly get up and proceed to the bathroom, the carpet at my feet warm from the sun beams dancing around the room. I get a glance at the battery-powered alarm clock on his drawing desk to find that it was 11:32 A.M. As I enter the bathroom, the transition from carpet to tile sends chills through my body. With one look in the mirror I notice how unkempt I look. I shake my head, making my shaggy bangs flop around into their normal position. I give myself a weak smile. My body jolts and my pulse speeds up as I hear the front door creak open ever so slowly. Oh shit! He was here! Whoever he was. For the first time since I had been recovering I wanted to fight back. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2014 ⏰

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