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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 years later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 Maya pov.

"Alicia, sweaty come here you to Hayden come on daddy is going to be home soon."

My beautiful children were born 3 years ago today of course it was painful and the doctor was right Hayden did try to force his way out first and was successful. Aaron has been away for two months due to pack buisness.Chris, Justin and my baby Nathan are coming over today to celebrate the return of my mate and the birthday of my babies.




I swear I hate that bell it’s like an alarm clock Aaron only keeps it  cause he finds it funny on how annoyed I get.Im brought out of my thoughts when I heard Alicia screaming the one word I have been waiting to hear.


I ran my heart out towards the door but stoped as I saw he was on crutches with a cast on his right leg, I looked up from his leg to his eyes and he stared deep into my eyes. He sighed and gave me a lopsided smile which melted my heart.

My baby is home but hurt, my wolf started to whimper as I could hear her talking to Aarons wolf and him trying to calm her down. I walked over to Alicia and picked her up into my arms, I continued to walk my way over to Aaron and as I got there he dropped his crutches and wrapped his arms around my waist he tried to balance on one leg but it didn’t really work. He leaned into me as he nestled his head into the crook of my neck, I looked up to Alicia to see her with a massive smile and tears streaming down her face.

“What’s wrong my baby girl?” the most angelic voice I haven’t heard for so long asked.

“Nothing, I’m glad your home and ilovethefactthatyourbothsoinlove” she rushed out and started to giggle.

Aaron kissed my forehead and then Alicia’s he looked behind him and motioned for Hayden to come over and he did he walked up to Aarons good leg and hugged it.Aaron steadied himself and then picked him up and placed him on his side carrying him with only one arm whilst the other was placed around my waist.

“Were a family now, I’m not leaving anymore. Come on I heard its someone’s birthday.” Aaron said looking at both the kids.

Its amazing how he comes home and all we do is hug, he hasn’t even said hello to me or anything, well I guess he has a lot on his mind so I will let it go for now.

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