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Aarons pov

I havent seen or spoken to my daughter in 2 weeks. I feel like such a jerk for doing what i did to her.

Everyone thinks im angry when really im upset, I'm upset because i didnt get to spend time with her and watch her grow up because she is 16 now. I dont want my baby girl to find her mate i want her to be my baby little girl forever.


It's been another hour since i had that thoughtful convasation with myself, i really should apoligies to alicia shouldn't i ??. oh god im talking to myself now.

I walk up to alicia's door and knock, she opens the door with in the second knock.

" Baby girl im so sorry, please forgive me"

She wrapped me in a hug and i returned it but i pulled back when i hear her muffling words into my kneck.

"What was that?" she looked up at me.

" I thought you hated me daddy" She had tears in her eyes.

"Oh, sweety i dont hate you im just upset cause i dont get to see you grow up and i dont want to have to deal with every guy turning up on my door step saying they want to date my daughter." She smiled and laughed and so did i.

"But listen i need your help with something"

"What is it dad?"

"I want to marry your mother but can you help me plan the perfect date so i can propose."

" You wanna do what!!!!!!" 


" Honey, you didnt hear anything did you.?"

"Aaron i just heard you asking our daughter to help you propose to me."

"Well seeing as you heard, do you wanna do the honour of becoming my wife my amazing maya??"

She looked shocked that i asked but then smiled and ran towards me and alicia. She grabbed us both and hugged us. 

"does that mean yes?"


Hadyen came bundiling into the room.

"Where's the fire?" he asked in his cute three year old voice.

well at least i still have my baby son.

"nothing bubba.mummy and dady are getting married are you excited?"

He stared at us for a while untill a huge grin spread across his face.


 ok you guys next chapter will be the last chapter 


there is a sequal it will be uploded after i finish this book. i really hope i can get 2000 reads on this book before i start the sequal. hint hint

love you guys



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