Chapter 10

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"As I sat there and cried and thought this whole night over, I heard the door creak. All of a sudden, an all too familiar voice wafted through the room and said, "Hello Arlene."."


I looked up from where I was sitting to face the figure who peeked his head in the doorway. As he approached me, I was able to make out his bald head and goatee. He chuckled when he finally reached me, and took a moment to really study my appearance.

"H-h-h-h-ow d-d-do you kn-n-now my n-n-n-name?" I stuttered.

He shook his head and laughed.

"Oh Arlene, . . ." He put his hand over my cheek and then viciously grabbed by jaw. "I didn't need to know who you are, when I have your best friend to tell me all that I need."

He stepped aside to reveal an unconscious Lexi, also tied to a chair but gagged with a handkerchief. I gasped at the sight of her. She had a black eye and a scar forming on her jawline. The bags under her eyes were even darker due to the smudged makeup, and there were tear streaks stained on her cheeks. It pained me to look at her like this. Her normally bright and cheery self looked so dead and almost lifeless. The terrifying thought of her dying broke me into a million pieces.

"Lexi." I half whispered half choked. "B-but how did you-"

"No time for explaining." He cut me off. "All will be revealed shortly, but FIRST, you two are coming with me. He slyly smirked at me. Before I could think or say anything else, a damp cloth with a disturbing smell was held over my mouth. I did, though, come across one statement before the darkness washed over me: 'I'm going to murder that Max George'.


I couldn't look away, even though every nerve in my body was telling me to. There, with a pile of blood surrounding her, was my best friend. Cold, breathless, and, lifeless. I tried to think positive because somehow I always do, but not in this case. There was no hope, no faith for me then. There was no motivation whatsoever. If it wasn't for Becky tugging at my sleeve and shoving me to hide, I would have been shot right there on the spot.

"Lexi, LEXI!" She whispered-yelled at me, doing everything in her power to get me away from that spot.

My body finally gave in but my brain wasn't functioning correctly at all. We ducked behind some of the unfortunate bodies and searched for clues, hints, or anything that could trigger an idea of escape. I felt horrible though because I couldn't think- not the same at least. My best friend. . .gone. My sister not by blood, but by heart, being ruthlessly pulled away from me. I would never be able to come back and see her. Heck I wouldn't even be able to bury her.

I watched in agony as two men came and lifted her from the spot in which she lay. My feelings of hurt and pain quickly shifted to anger and hate when I saw the two men approach no other than Max George. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but I saw Max roll his eyes and chuckle lightly before pointing in the opposite direction. The men quickly carried her over, and they were out of sight.

"Lexi, we need to get out here." Becky's cautious voice spun me back to reality.

It was at that moment that I decided that I was going to escape; and I was going to do it for Arlene.

"There's nowhere to go right now," I said after a few moments of careful observation, "Why don't we just wait and see where they're going to take us. I mean there had to have been a reason to separate us from dead to alive, right?"

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