Chapter 3

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'What the heck could be taking that girl so long?' I thought to myself. I texted her literally ten minutes ago; she said she was ready. I beeped the horn like fifteen times until she finally came out and locked her door.

"Could you take any longer?" I asked her.
"Could you be any louder?" She asked back.
I rolled my eyes, "Actually, I can. But I didn't feel like using my voice right before the concert."
"Smart ass." She mumbled.
"SO THEN WHY ARE WE YELLING!?!" She asked while laughing.
We broke into fits of laughter and I swerved the car a little bit.
"And you thought I drive like a drunk addict." She smirked.
"Oh, please it was one little swerve. Don't take it like it was an illegal u-turn."
We love bickering playfully like this; going back and forth at each other. It's what makes us like sisters.

The rest of the ride was pretty much the same. We fantasized about meeting the boys, hanging out with them, that kind of stuff. We also planned on what we were doing for the rest of the summer.

What seemed like ten hours was really only three of driving around in traffic. And that was just on the highway. Once we got closer to the stadium, we decided to stop at McDonald's to get something to eat. I mean, cause really, who actually enjoys eating in a tiny little seat surrounded by sweaty people in the summer?

I pulled up to the drive-through, placed our orders, and parked the car in the parking lot. It was too crowded to eat inside.
"Excited?" I asked a very hungry Lexi.
"Mhm!" She replied almost choking on her food. Damn that girl eats fast.
"Take human bites will you?"
"No thank you."
"Why can't you just enjoy your food?"
"But I AM enjoying it! Why do you think I'm eating like this?"
We ate for about fifteen minutes to a half hour then hit the road again. I pulled into the stadium's parking lot and it was M-O-B-B-E-D! Of course I expected it to be, but legit, it was like a parade going on. I couldn't move the car as far as one inch without running over someone.
"I guess we'll be stuck here for a while." Lexi sighed.
"Don't worry it's only 6:45, and the opening act doesn't start until 7:30."
"EXACTLY! So honk that horn like there's no tomorrow and get these people moving!" She screamed.
"I can't honk the horn at them," I laughed, "someone could get hurt."
"The less people here, the better."


WHY WON'T THESE STUPID PEOPLE MOVE?!?! Like really? You got people on their phones, taking 3"6 poster boards out of their cars, taking horrible selfies because they think they're cool, I can't even...

If they don't move, I'm ready to play Whack-a-Mole; whereas the people are the moles, and I take the sledge hammer and start banging on their heads.

It took 30-40 minutes but we finally were able to park the car. We chose not to bring or poster boards with us and practically sprinted towards the main entrance. The lady took our tickets and scanned us with that metal/weapon detector thingy. I checked my watch; 7:21.
We ran up the trillion amount of stairs and escalators and came across a guy who showed us where we would be sitting.


We climbed over people's legs, Lexi obviously tripping once or twice, and finally got to our seats. We were so relieved.
"We did it." She said in between panting breaths.
"Yeah," I puffed the rest of the oxygen in my lungs out, "we did."

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