PLEASE READ (This is mostly for Courtney and Carson)

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If you guys don't read this little part right here then I won't you to stop reading because this explains everything from the last chapter that I made two important people to me feel bad so here it is. Carson Soliday, yes you are Carley. Courtney Mattingly, yes you are Corrine. I know in the last chapter at the end that scene happened but the feelings Kate had weren't my feelings. after I left I was happy that you guys cheered me on and spoke to me. if you weren't my friends I wouldn't have written you in that chapter you guys are two if the most inspiring and encouraging people I have in my life and you are not exactly Carley and Corrine because you didn't make me feel what Kate feels! I know that anyone else's who is reading this is lost and I'm sorry. I just want everyone to know that this book is dedicated to Courtney Mattingly and Carson Soliday! Thanks girls!

-Kathryn Ledbetter

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2013 ⏰

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