Chapter Nineteen: Soft

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  A few months later, during harvest season, I'm walking around the kitchen of the hut I share with Desmond, my back aching, my stomach seemingly growing bigger by the second. (Well, waddling would be a better word.) I hear the door open and jump.

   Figuring that it's Desmond, back early from the fields, I say, "You're back early from the fields, love."

  "See! I told you so. I told you she still loved me!"

  "She never even loved you. Churlish boor! Thinking up such ridiculous fantasies!"

  I think for a moment. These voices sound very familiar, though I can't say from where or why. Eventually, I spin around. Indeed, two familiar faces that I thought I had lost a long time ago are standing in my kitchen. 

   "Zachary? Lucas? What are you doing here?" I turn my back again. "If you've come to try to get me back, it is not happening. I am a married woman." As if to prove it, I point to the silver band on my finger.

   Lucas takes one step closer. His grey eyes are just as intense as when I last saw them. "Well, we figured you'd want these back." He holds out the clothes I left at the pub almost a year ago.

   "You pig! You kept these? Why? Is this a memento for your collection? Do you take something from every poor, helpless girl you con?"

      Zachary speaks up. "I actually just discovered them recently. I hadn't been in that room for months, and figured that you took all your property with you. Also, I didn't con you!"

      "Fine. Maybe you didn't con me. But you did force yourself on me."

      "You intruded on me. You immediately came and began asking for a place to stay."

      "You offered lodging to me. I didn't ask for anything."

     He shoves the clothes at me. "Just take the clothes!" Then he turns around, and finds my darling husband leaning against the doorpost. 

    He steps very slowly up to me, and leans down to kiss me. I'm pretty sure I see Zachary nudge Lucas with his elbow. 

     Then he whispers with gritted teeth, "Who are these boys, and why are they here?"

    I'm not quite sure how to explain it, so I just stammer a bit.

   He turns around. "Be gone, you swine! Or face my wrath!" 

   They just stand there, stunned. 

   "I said to be gone!"  He charges towards them. I step towards him, grabbing his arm, trying to pull him back. 

   "Get off." He thrashes his arm, and elbows me hard in the stomach.

   I cry out in pain. Desmond immediately rushes to my side, yelling at Zachary and Lucas to leave. And leave they do.

   "Jesus, Maura, are you okay?"

   I catch my breath. "I'm fine."

   "Good. Don't want to damage our precious little darling."

  I smile. "You're becoming soft in your old age, Desmond."

   A few months later, I give birth to a healthy baby boy. I sew him a white christening gown, and take him to the church. I hold him in my arms proudly, as he is christened. As Peter Angus Ahearn. As our son. As our love. As our light. 

                                                                      THE END

A/N: Stay tuned for an epilogue and playlist! Leave your thoughts in the comments. What did you think of the ending? Do you think she made the right choice? 



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