The Better Man

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Title: The Better Man 

Author: Sherlockian1994

Summary: After meeting Buffy's new boyfriend, Giles tries to convince Buffy to dump him.

Fandom: BTVS

Disclaimer: The characters belong to Joss Whedon, M.E. and Fox.

Rated: PG

"Giles there is someone I want you to meet," Buffy said, smiling. "Giles, this is Riley- Riley Finn, my boyfriend."

Upon hearing those words, Rupert Giles forced himself to smile, all the while thinking that the relationship wouldn't last six months. "Nice to meet you," he said, holding out his hand. Riley took it and winced, surprised that the older man was so strong.

"Same here, Mr. Giles." Riley replied. "So what do you do?"

"I used to be the librian for Sunnydale High, before that I was the curator of the British Museum." Giles told the young man as he watched the boy's eyes widen in shock.

"Um, so what do you do now?"

"Now, I'm in-between jobs at the moment."

"Well, I hope you find something soon. It was nice meeting you." Riley said as he grabbed Buffy's hand and squeezed it.

"Thank you," Giles said. "Will I see you later, Buffy? For training?"

"Sure thing, Giles. I'll be there." Buffy replied.

The Watcher nodded. "I'll see you tonight, Buffy."

Buffy smiled. "See you soon, Giles. Come on, Riley."

"Buffy, what is Mr. Giles training you in?" Riley asked as they left the building.

"Self-defense ." Buffy replied.

Riley frowned. "Isn't he kind of old to be doing that sort of thing?" Seeing the look on his girlfriend's face he tried to backtrack. "Not that I think he should retire to a life in the country." He glanced at Buffy. Her expression didn't change. He sighed.

"I'm not gonna win on this, am I?"

Buffy shook her head. "No." She stole a quick glance at the sky and noticed the sun starting to set. "Sorry, Riley. I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow. All right?"

"Sure." Riley agreed. With that Buffy started walking to Giles's flat, her mind still on what Riley had said.

When she finally arrived at her Watcher's place her happy mood had gone downhill. Quickly she got to the door, but before she could raise her hand to knock, Giles opened the door.

"Hello, Buffy. You're here early. Won't you come in?"

Buffy smiled. "Thanks Giles. I know it's a little early for me to be here, but I needed to talk to you about Riley. Or rather about something he said. About you."

Giles frowned. "Why don't we sit down? That way you can tell me all about it." He lead her to the living room. "Tea?" He asked.

Buffy shrugged. "Whatever you're drinking is fine."

"At the moment, I was making a pot of Earl Grey."

"Ah," Buffy said, "the hard stuff."

Giles chuckled. "It can be, if you're not used it. But with a few teaspoons of sugar, I think you'll be fine."

"So what's causing you to drink the hard stuff anyway?" Buffy asked.

"No reason, I just something to keep me awake while I'm doing reasearch." Giles replied as he and Buffy sat down on the couch.

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