An Unexpected Visitor

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Title: An Unexpected Visitor

Author: Sherlockian1994

Fandom: BTVS

Summary: Giles gets an unexpected visit from an old friend. Set during S.4 A New Man

Disclaimer: None of the characters used in this story are mine. They belong to Joss Whedon, M.E. and Fox.

Rated: Teen.

Rupert Giles sat in his living room nursing a glass of brandy and brooding over his Slayer when heard a knock on his door. Slowly, he got up from his chair and sat his drink down on the coffee table and went to answer the door.

Just before he got to the door Giles had the frame of mind to grab the bat from the umbrella stand. He glanced into the peep-hole and saw a man in a gaudy blue silk shirt. He sighed.

I suppose one can't trust the military, Giles thought sourly. He opened the door and said: "Hello Ethan."

"Hello Ripper. Mind if I come in?" Ethan asked. Giles noted the sunlight caught in Ethan's hair. The Watcher also noticed the lack of smoke so he stepped aside to let his former friend inside.

"Would you care for something to drink?" Giles asked.

Ethan shrugged. "Water would be good. Thanks."

Giles nodded. He grabbed his glass from the coffee table and headed to the kitchen. He placed his glass in the sink and grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge.

"So what brings you here?" Giles asked as he handed Ethan the bottle of water.

"What? Can't an old friend drop by for a little chat?" Ethan asked with a smirk.

"Considering the last time you dropped by I believe the answer is no." Giles said, deadpan. "I'll ask you again, why are you here?"

"To give you some advice."

"About what?"

"Your slayer, Rupert."


That caught Giles by surprise. "What about Buffy?"

"Just that you should try to convince her to end her relationship with that Nancy-boy Finn."

"And how am I supposed to do that?" Giles asked in disbelief. Ethan just smiled. Giles knew that look. "No Ethan, I refuse."

"Oh, come on Ripper. You never had a problem using magic to woo a girl. Why stop now?"

Giles sighed. "Because Buffy has had some bad experiences with magic over the years and I don't want to and another one to the list."

"All right don't use magic. Just do whatever you can to get Buffy to leave Finn. Trust me, it will be better for everyone if she does." Ethan told the Watcher.

"What do you mean?"

But Ethan shook his head. "I'd rather not say."

"Fair enough."

"Will you talk to her?"

Giles sighed. "I can't promise anything, but I'll try to talk to her." He replied.

"All right," Ethan agreed. "I'll be seeing you."

Giles nodded. With that Ethan got up, opened the door, and left the apartment.

The Watcher got up and closed the door after Ethan. Once it was closed he leaned against the door and wondered just what the hell he was going to do.


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