Chapter Three

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I'm trying to hurry up and get to bed by 9:00 so school won't be more miserable than it should be. For some reason I went right to sleep unlike last night. The next thing I knew it was 6:00am and Asher was hitting me with a pillow screaming "GET UP GET UP!" I know right...great way to start off the first day of school.

As my mom was getting Maddox ready for preschool she was pushing Asher and I out the front door to the bus stop.

The bus arrived around 7:00 and I wasn't in a rush to get get to school. The bus ride wasn't Terrible because everyone was silent and tired.

Asher sat across the isle from me and you could tell even he was nervous.

Before the bus went to Nixon middle school we stopped at Axel high school and all the high schoolers got off including Asher.

The bus pulled on to Nixon along with about ten other buses. You would've of thought the school was mistaken for a Black Friday store because hundreds and hundreds of  young teenagers came rushing of the buses and into the small double doors.

Class schedule in hand I sat in the auditoria waiting for the bell to ring. Just looking around at all the different looking kids I already know that it's going to be a little difficult to find a friend.

Locker number 471 was my first stop in the 8th grade hallway. I put my teal jansport book bag on the hook and my extra supplies on top. Next stop is Mrs. Cousher's room.

It's not very hard to realize that Mrs. Cousher is kind of an odd ball. She showed me to an empty seat next in the very back next to a girl. It wasn't just any girl either..... it was a prep. GREAT

Next was science with Mr. Milson. Wow, what a loudmouth. I've never heard a teacher yell so much. But it wasn't like he was yelling at someone, just his normal voice was like 40 notches above normal. I wouldn't say that where I sit was great either. There's a boy that can't speak English, the prep again, and a girl who seems to be okay.

Math, my worst subject was next. Miss Hicks, I don't even know how to explain.... let's just go with weird. Also I've never seen someone so in love with the Chicago Cubs. Like her cubs collection is bigger than my future. Again, not the best seat. We are in rows which is better, but the preppy girl is just a few seats away and I'm starting to worry.

Social studies. Finally a teacher that is just my type. Mr. Leith is cool, calm, and collected.... Just my type. And even better the preppy girl isn't in this class. The seats are all separated throughout the entire classroom which I love.

Finally we have our last core class. Language Arts. My language arts teacher is the same as my homeroom teacher, Mrs. Cousher. But on the bright side the girl that seems okay is on this class too. There is also two other girls that o wouldn't mind meeting either!

So now that our core classes are done we have to go to related arts.

Spanish is first and I have finally seen a cute boy, I was starting to worry. I was introduced to the class and the entire time he looked at me and smiled. We just did the basics with the date, month,time, etc. Then we went to the last class of the day

My second related arts was band. And again the cute boy was there again. Also one of the girls I wouldn't mind meeting sat right next to me. Perfect. We played a few songs then he let us have free time until the dismissal bell rang.

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