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Here are a few things that I need to say:

1. I'm so sorry I haven't been updating. I had writer's block. I promise that I am working on chapter 11 right as you are reading this. It should be up either later tonight or sometime tomorrow. Now that I have school I'm not getting dragged out as much so I should be able to find some time to actually write. 

2.This story will be edited once I have it completed. 

3. If you have any ideas of where it should go if I go for a about a month and a half without updating, go ahead and leave it as a comment. If I use the idea I will credit you because I'm not an asshole.

4. I need opinions on if I should do all the movies in one book or if I should do them in separate (if separate is decided, I need title ideas. Once again will credit if used). 

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