Chapter 5

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Kenzie's P.O.V.

     Dawn and Faith stood on either side of Mr. Witwicky. They looked tired as is they didn't get much sleep last night. They probably didn't with what time Sam called me to when they more than likely got home to finally when I called them. A cop sat on the desk in front of me and Sam. He didn't seem to get that we were only going to get his car.

"I can't be any clearer then I'm being. My car just stood up," Sam said.

"You sound insane," I muttered.

"It just stood up, wow. It's really neat," The cop said handing Sam a cup. "Filler 'er up."

"I'm not on any drugs," Sam said. I was handed a cup as well.

"I'm definitely not on drugs," I stated.

"We would notice if she was," Dawn said from her place.

"Not to mention she told our friend he sounded insane," Faith added. The cop seemed to ignore them.

"What are you rolling? Whippets? Goofballs? A little wowie sauce with the boys?" The cop asked.

"None of that made a bit of sense besides the first thing," I said.

"Like we said, we aren't on drugs," Sam stated.

"Then what are these?" The cop asked holding up a pill bottle. It had Mojo's pain medicine in it. "Mojo. Is this what the kids are doing now, a little bit of Mojo?"

"Those are my dog's pain pills," Sam said.

"You know a little Chihuahua. A little..." Mr. Witwicky said, using his hands to show how big the dog was.

"If you look on the bottle you'll see it was prescribed by the vet down the street," Dawn stated. Sam looked at the cops gun and he took notice.

"You looking at me gun? You wanna go? Make something happen 'cause I promise you that I will bust you up," The cop said.

"You shouldn't being making threats to hurt someone when they haven't done anything," I said.

"Are you on drugs?" Sam asked. Before the cop got a chance to reply, his partner walked in.

"Kid filed a report that his car was stolen and he was chasing the culprit. His friend was helping him. I also called the vet, the pills are indeed for a dog," His partner said. I liked the cops partner because he was nicer and less off.

"I need to change," I said.

"We all do," Dawn said. Faith nodded her agreement. It was then that I noticed that neither of them had bothered to change. The three of us got out of Ironhide when he came to a stop.

"We need to get going after you change and eat," He said.

"For what?" Dawn asked.

"Are the others coming?" Faith asked. Her eyes were full of wonder.

"To meet the others," Ironhide said answering both questions.

"Yes!" Faith said. It was clear that she had missed them. Her dad was coming and that was probably what she was happiest about.

"Alright," I said. The three of us made our way inside and to our rooms. Dawn and I shared a room while Faith got her own.

"Can you toss me a shirt?" Dawn said.

"Which one?" I asked turning to face her. Dawn was a slim girl but she had a little fat on her. Along her sides, stomach, and back was scars that had transferred over from her wolf form. I remember the day she got those.

Flash back: 5 years ago. A forest in Southern Michigan

     I was flying in the form of a blue jay. It was summer and the area seemed like a good one to explore. There were a few things that I had to be careful of, such as wolves, but as long as I stayed in the trees and out of sight of bird of prey. I don't expect any problem though. Note the don't expect.

     I hadn't been in the air long before I heard a yelp. It sounded like a pup or a small canine of sorts. Growls followed the yelp. I perched on a nearby branch. Below me about four or five wolves surrounded a pup. One took a swipe at the pup's side. Another nipped at the pup's back.
"I didn't know, please stop!" The pup barked in fear. It was a female.

"You should know better," A wolf growled. He seemed to be the leader of the group.

"How, I have no pack!" The young pup growled earing another nip at her back.

"You need to respect your elders," The leader growled.

"You don't deserve respect," This pup was a brave one. The leader swiped at the pup sending her into a tree. He growled something that I didn't hear. I got this gist of it when another wolf leaped at the pup. The wolf dug his claws into the pup, causing her to yelp loudly in pain.

     I went from blue jay to hawk in a matter of seconds. I took a swipe at the wolf's eyes forcing him to back away. I gathered the small pup up in my talons and took off. She whined in pain.

"What's your name honey?" I asked.

"Why do you care?" She asked.

"I care because I just watched you stand up to someone bigger then you, and I'm trying to save your life," I replied.

"Dawn. My name is Dawn," She said after a moment.

"Have a last name Dawn?" I asked.

"You aren't really a bird, are you?" Dawn asked.

"No, I'm angel who can shift into animals. I prefer birds though," I replied. "You aren't normal yourself, are you?"

"I'm part human. No I don't have a last name," She said as I set her down.

"Then your last name is going to be Hope," I said as I went back into my human form. The only exception was the wings. That had been how I had met one of the people who would become a sister to me.

Present Day

"Here you go," I said handing her a black shirt with a wolf howling at the moon on it. Dawn looked up from tracing one of her scars, clearly coming out of the memory as well.

"Thanks," Dawn said. I nodded a welcome as I grabbed a white shirt that had a book with pages changing into origami birds and dragons.

"Can you hand me my boots?" I asked.

"Yeah, here," Dawn said handing me my black boots.


"Welcome." With our boots on we headed downstairs. Faith was standing there waiting for us. She was wearing a red shirt that had 'Keep Calm and Play Music' written on it. Faith was also wearing a pair of boots. Around her neck was a necklace with the Autobot symbol on it. I was aware of the cross necklace around my own. Dawn was wearing a dog tag that had a cross on it.

"Regular and cheese," Faith said throwing regular chips at me and cheese chips at Dawn.

"We don't have a lot of time so I just grabbed some chips. Let's go," She explained before turning on her heel. We followed her out to Ironhide.

"I having a feeling that we need to make a stop," I said as soon as we got in.

"We do," Ironhide said.
"Where?" Dawn asked.

"Bumblebee needs some help," Hide replied. I sighed as I shrugged off the black jacket I had put on. Faith leaned forward from the back seat. Dawn gave a wolfish grin, her canines looking unusually sharp.

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