Chapter 1

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"Connor, get your skinny little ass over here now!"

Abby's voice came through loud and clear through the phone. I rolled over and looked at the clock. There was no way I was late. I had set an alarm the night before so there was no way I could be late. 

The clock read 8:30. I was late. 

"God damn it!" I shouted, dropping my phone and jumping out of bed like it was on fire. 

My four best friends and I had all gotten jobs at the beach this summer and we were all staying at Abby's family's house while we worked. It was the perfect situation. I got to spend my entire summer at the beach AND make some money too. Plus, I got to spend the whole time with my best friends. Sure I'd miss my family. Well, my parents at least. Not going to lie when I say my younger brother's piss poor attitude wasn't something I was going to cry about. 

We had agreed on leaving that morning at 8:45, and here I was, just waking up at 8:30. And I was one of the drivers! Abby and Kylie both were driving down with their cars and Carrie and Morgan were riding with one of us. But I needed to get over there with my car as soon as possible or that just wasn't going to happen. Thankfully, I had been packing for the past month, so the only thing I had to do was put everything in the car and just go.

I hopped in the shower, cleaned myself at record time and ran downstairs for a bagel to be shoved down my throat. I was taking my last bite when my phone vibrated on the counter. I grabbed it. It was Abby again. 

"Connor, where the hell are you?" she asked again. "I wasn't kidding this morning about kicking your skinny white ass!" 

"Hey, hey," I said defensively, "thanks for calling it skinny." I heard her suppressing a laugh on the other end and sigh. 

"Just hurry up, okay?" she said, sedated in comparison to her initial leap at my throat from the first call. "We need to get on the road." 

"Aye aye, Captain," I said, before hanging up and stuffing the remainder of my bagel in my mouth and running upstairs to grab my bags. 

My dad helped me get everything into my car which was an adventure. My dad is one of those people that thinks he's an expert at things that he's really not. Meaning, my car was busting at the seams, but to him, he couldn't have been more satisfied with it. I just shrugged and figured I would move stuff around when I got to Abby's house. 

I slammed the trunk closed, quietly thanking God for the sake of my father's pride when it clicked shut, and turned to face my parents before I left. 

My mother was getting slightly emotional. "Oh honey, please be safe while you're there, alright?" she said, her eyes getting a little teary. "I'll be texting you every night to make sure you're still breathing and everything." 

I chuckled and shook my head at her. "I would expect nothing less from you, Mother," I said, giving her a hug goodbye. 

Next, my dad. "Connor, have a good time and remember, no boys," he warned, wagging a finger at me. 

I sighed deeply and rolled my eyes. "Dad, I am twenty one for God's sake. I'm not the kind of girl that goes looking for one night stands and all that crap. But no boys is pushing it. Like, a lot." 

I seriously had just graduated college, like last week! Did he really think I was going to stay six years old forever? Hell, did he ever want grandkids? How else did he think they were going to be made?

He smiled and shook his head. "I know, I'm just busting your chops. Be safe, alright? I love you and I'll miss you." 

There it is. Finally, we pass the parental nonsense and get to the point. "I'll miss you guys, too," I said, hugging him too. 

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