Chapter 10

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"So are you trying to tell me that you're dating two guys at the same time?" Greg asked me skeptically. 

When I returned to work the following day, he had asked me what I had been up to the past couple of days and I explained to him about the party and the whole situation with Luke. Needless to say, he too didn't believe me that this was a good idea.

"I'm not dating both of them!" I shot back defensively. "Just Christian. I'm not some harlot." 

He rolled his eyes with an amused smile on his face and pointed at me. "That right there is how you know you're not dating two guys at the same time," he said. "You say 'harlot' instead of 'slut' or 'whore' like we're living in biblical times. Welcome to the 21st century, Connor. Pull your head out of those books and smell the air around you!"

I just rolled my eyes at him and went back to inspecting the control panel, filling out the inspection form as I went so it could be turned into Mark by the time he came around to us. The entire park were filling these out. They were routine so that everything was in working condition and that nothing would malfunction once the park opened, causing some sort of damage and ending up in a lawsuit. Not something we wanted. 

"So do you like this guy?" Greg asked, locking the control door on the middle console of the ride and joining me by the podium. 

"Who, Lucas?" I asked. I shrugged. "Yeah, I do. Don't get me wrong, he's attractive, but I know what it means to be a loyal girlfriend and I like Christian too. He asked me out first, even though Lucas had many chances." 

Greg just shook his head at me. "Just because he was first doesn't mean he's the right choice. Sometimes the right person doesn't come along right away." He elbowed me in the arm and gave me a smirk. "Good things take time." 

I smiled at him, but giggled. "You know, sometimes, you sound like a fortune cookie. Do you mean to try to constantly sound prophetic?" 

He threw his arms out as he wound his way through the fenced in line where people stood while waiting for the ride. "Nope, I'm just that good!" he shouted, hearing it echo throughout the space. 

I shook my head and continued filling out the form. Mark came by a couple of minutes later to collect it. "Hey, I just want to let you know that we're going to be switching you newbies around soon, okay?" 

My stomach dropped in disappointment. What? I didn't want to leave working at the carousel! I liked not having to do very much to keep up with the ride and I loved working with Greg. God knows, with my luck, I'd get stuck with Christy. A shiver ran down my spine and I almost gagged at the thought. 

"Are you sure you have to do that?" I asked, sounding more desperate than I had initially wanted to let on. 

He nodded. "Why yes, of course," he said, all too cheerily. "Don't you want to learn about some of the other rides here? Plus, we have to make sure all of you are trained in at least most of the areas so that you can fill anywhere we need you." 

I frowned at him. I half wanted Greg to be there. He would know to how to talk Mark into leaving me at the carousel with him. Sighing, I handed in the form and Mark walked away, ignoring the miserable look that had found it's way onto my face.

"New assignments will be posted as of Wednesday," he called out to me as he walked back into his office, the door clicking shut behind him. 

I slumped down in my chair, feeling kind of deflated. 

"Hey, why do you look like someone just punched you in the vagina?" Kylie asked, walking up to the gate. 

I shook my head and chuckled. "Kylie, as always you know just what not to say, but let it slip out your mouth anyway." 

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