chapter 8 the return

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sashas wolf at the side >>>


i know" i sniff then suddenly i hear a wolf howling and it sound as though its in pain and then at that moment i felt my heart being torn out my chest and going to jessica...where it belonged forever.


chapter 8

*jessies P.O.V*

she left after all that she just...left leaving me standing there in the middle of the road crying she saw me and kept going how? how could she do that. after her letter how did she expect me to hate her.i love her too but now il never get to tell her that.

"its going to be okay jess you know what they say right?if you love someone you should set them free and if they come back its true if not it wasnt ment to be. i know you loved her jess but crying isnt going to bring her back"claire says trying to calm me down "now get some sleep its been a big day for everyone"claire says giving me one last hug like she knew what i was going threw but she didnt know no one did well maybe...conner

i get up to go check on him.i wonder what his letter said he didnt read it out loud and when i tried to see he hid it from me.maybe she told him where she was going. i walk along the hall to carlys room and i hear him sobbing i step inside the door every step i take every breath i take hurts like someone has set fire to me.

(never done conners p.o.v so again bare with me thanks)

*conners p.o.v*

how could she think i hated her. she wa- is my best friend i love her and i have no idea how im ment to live without her without her here il be nothing even with carly.

just then someone stepped into my room i was about to object but then i seen who it was.jessica.

"hey "she says the tears starting to form in her eyes "how are you?"

"well my best friend just ran off and left me with people i bearly know and all alone im absaloutly fantastic i mean could life get any better"i say angrily how did she think i felt god i thought she would have understood.uhoh here come the tears.

"conner im sorry i was just asking"she came to sit on the bed beside me "she didnt happen to tell you were she was going with did she or who she was going with it would make it easier to find her an-"find her we werent going to find her its sasha and her brother for christ sakes if they dont want to be found they wont.i cut her off

"sashas not coming back and we are not going to bring her back either and her br-"stop no one is ment to know about scott"her ehh bright idea to run away its stupid"i say getting annoyed with these questions .

"so your not even going to try and find her? so much for you being her bestfriend huh"she says get up to walk out

"you know nothing about me and sasha ecspecially sasha so dont judge me or her if she doesnt want to be found then no one on this earth could find her. jesus no wonder she ran away from you."as soon as the words were out i regreted them

*smack*jess hit me and i fell to the floor with her strength and just looked up in time to see her walking out. damn this is going to be along life without you.i just want to know where you are sasha.just then a voice was in my head.

"im safe thats all that matters please move on"the voice said it sounded like..

"sasha! what how can i hear you"i ask bewildered

why did it happen to me i dont want a mate or a pack.Where stories live. Discover now