Chapter#1 Its Just a Little Crush

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Chapter#1 Its Just a Little Crush

Natalie's POV

He's so hot.

The way he talks

Ahh his voice

I sat there thinking about him. Him..... and his everything. His smile, his talk, his eyes, his charm.

"It came to my notice the basic rule of solving this equation is something which seems confusing to many of you. I'm explaining it for the last time. Now you have two options, either listen to my every word carefully or leave the class"

'Wonder what he thinks 'bou me?'

'Why care? He would never ever look at me. Never would think of me. Who am I to him? '

"Now all of you tell me steps one by one, c'mon"

'Can't they just stop bickering? I'm having a hard time remembering his face! '

"And you, tell me the last step"

'Hello teacher! Wait why is he looking at me and moving his mouth.'

"Ms. Dare I asked you the last step. Would you mind to speak?"

W-Oh. Oh. NO. Crap

"Y- Mr. Tucker I didn't g-get"

"Get what huh? The question or the answer?"

"Uh,um... I-I"

'He's furious. Furiously furious... '


Well that sums it up. Curse me and my stupid crush.

All the eyes were on me. Even he was looking at me which made me turn into a stupid tomato.

I took slow steps out of the class, not bothering to close the door.

"This happens with the ones who tend to disobey me."

Yeah, whatever.

I stood out of the class like a feeble-minded , wondering what has gotten into me... I never was like this...until he got into my head.

I faced the window of the class room and caught Melanie's eye. She gave me an 'I know what you were thinking' look.

"Hey! Face the opposite wall! And Melanie, if you want to talk to her, you better go out too. I won't tolerate this eye contact thing in my class!" the teacher boomed.

'Thank God. Now I'm not going to be the only center of attraction in the school corridor.'

"Hi... thank you so much!"

"You're welcome; well I should thank you by the way. I'm not alone." I say

"So...... you were again thinking about Mike weren't you?" she asked with a smirk.

Yeah. Mike

"Yes I was..... I dunno what has gotten into me. I tried getting him out of my head but I can't." I said dreamily.

"I know you wouldn't believe me but, I noticed him staring at you." Melanie says

Yeah right. I won't.

Even if I wanted to, SO BADLY.

Instead, I let out a chuckle.

"Those jokes are now old Meli. I wouldn't believe"

"No I'm serious! I even overheard him taking your name, with some mates" She says.

"Oh please Melanie. Just be quiet."

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