Chapter#9 I'm Right Here

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Chapter#9 I'm Right Here

"Where shall I drop you off milady?" Drake said with a strong accent.

" I live right next to you jerk! And besides, this decent stuff doesn't suit you. Don't even try" I blurted

"But you liked that anyway" he winked while turning on the ignition.

Yeah kind of.

"Did you just say something?" Drake asked.

Did I say it out loud

"Yeah you did" he smirked.

Ugh! What the hell's happened with me!

I stared out of the windshield, on the road.

Dark clouds casted a dull shade on the road. It looked like it would start raining any time soon.

And as my perception was the only thing that was required, the water droplets slowly started falling on the windshield and just in space of a second or two, it started raining heavily.

"Looks like it's gonna be a cold night" I mumbled.

"Yeah" Drake agreed.

I turned to meet his blue set of eyes and had a weird feeling in my tummy.

I felt like 'déjà vu'. His eyes held this weird yet familiar warmth and his complexion seemed unreadable.

I too, was caught up in his gaze and was busy staring intently back when horn disturbed our stare.

Drake fixed his attention back to the front and I cleared my throat to drive myself away from the awkwardness.

"Do you like rain?"

Did he just ask me that?

"Uh... what?"

"Forget it anyways" he muttered.

"No. I mean yeah I do like rain"

"Okay. Good"



Again the awkwardness.

I decided better not to utter something else and waited until we reached home.


"We are here Natalie"

His voice dragged me away from my thoughts.

I was again thinking about my feelings for Mike.

How am I supposed to feel about us?

Should I be thankful that he finally I got my chance? Why am I getting this feeling as if it's something ordinary? Am I just over thinking stuff?



"We're home. Snap out of it"

"Oh yeah"

I stepped out of the car, only to hear the jerk again.

"You're welcome"

"I didn't thank you!"

"Yeah, I know" he smirked

I stared coldly back into his ocean blue eyes.

His eyes bored into mine and the cocky smirk was replaced by an unreadable expression.

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