Ch#17 Don't Break My Heart

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Chapter#17 Don't Break My Heart

Natalie's POV

I rummaged through the drawer, trying to find a pair of earrings that could match my outfit.

"Ugh! I should've decided that already!"

I continued to the search for jewelry, constantly muttering about 'getting late for the prom'.

After five minutes of searching further, (in vain) I hurried downstairs and rushed pass Trevor, who was engrossed in a conversation over the phone, and into my parents' room.

I pulled violently at the drawer of my mother's vanity hurriedly and it jerked open with such a force, I had to place my hand underneath it prevent it from falling over my bare feet and causing an injury.

When I was around five years of age, I used to hop in the drawer of mum's vanity pretended to have a car. It was Trevor who usually came and lifted me off it.Then one day, in the attempt of opening the drawer, I slipped and ended up on the floor. Only seconds later the drawer landed on my right foot, and I earned a fractured foot.

I still have a small bruise-like mark where the doctor gave me stitches.

Shaking the thought out of my head, I pulled out the drawer from it's place and laid it on the bed. I emptied the stuff on the bed and scanned for a decent pair of earrings.

I spotted a glossy, emerald diamond shaped jewels and got hold of them. I let out a sigh of relief when I learnt that it were a pair of earrings and ran back to my room, not even bothering to fix the drawer back.

Grabbing the railing while dashing up the stairs to prevent myself from falling, I pulled out my phone from my jeans and call Melanie.
"Hey chicka! Whats up!?"
She seemed really cheerful. She had Jack as her date after all.
"Hmm... I need your help here. How about you bring your stuff at my place and we get ready together"
I asked and waited for her reply.
"OOO...KAY! Sure thing"
And she hung up.

Not a sooner had arrived as I entered my room, my phone vibrated again and the screen flashed Mike's name.
"Hey Mike." I smiled in attempt to make myself sound excited about the prom the night.
To be honest, I actually was.
"How you doing Natalie?" He spoke from the other side and I sensed worry in his tone.
"Good. You don't sound well though. Are you alright?" I asked, concerned.
"Um... I'm fine don't worry."
I heard him sigh from the other side and decided not to say anything.
"Natalie... forgive me if I ever hurt you."

"I think this one's better Mel"

I picked up the Golden lace choker and lifted it up to Melanie's neck to match it with her outfit.

"Hmm... I think you're right" she said slowly while observing herself in full length the mirror.

We both were done with our makeup and were giving a last minute check up.

"Okay now Ni spin around, I wanna see your dress fully."
I did as told, like a pet dog and the pulled out my tongue to her just like a puppy would do.
Melanie chuckled lightly and I walked up to the bed and got hold of my phone.

There was a message from Mike which said that he was going to arrive in fifteen minutes from now.
I was still confused about my conversation with Mike over the phone. He seamed hesitant while talking and hung up before I could say a thing.

Melanie opened the window and I felt cool breeze caress my cheeks as I got goose bumps.

I glanced out of the window, only to the sight of Drake's dimly lit room.

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