Chapter 10: Leaving home

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Darkness fell across the land. Lisha watched the sun set from her bed. Good, now go to sleep. She wished to all other occupants in the house.

A knock caused her to jump. Her heart thumped against her chest until she realised it was someone rapping their bony knuckles on her door.

"Lisha, may I come in?" Trish slid past the door without waiting for an answer.  

Lisha narrowed her eyes at the woman. "Why did you ask?"

Trish stopped and glanced back at the door and pointed. To Lisha, she looked confused with her slack jaw and furrowed eyebrows. She shook her head, lowered her arm and turned to address Lisha again. "We're about to have dinner. I would love it if you join us."

Humouring time again. Lisha sighed. Full stomachs and bed hopefully! She nodded and lifted her weight from the mattress.

The smell of roasted meat and potatoes caused her mouth to water. No more hospital food for me! She followed the delicious smell into the dinning room where she found a long table with many chairs and a spread of plates and bowls of food. Brent and Hayley shoved their helpings onto large round plates. Both teens paused as Lisha entered the room. Brent put his spoon down and starred with his large blue eyes. Hayley huffed then continued helping herself.

"Lisha, where having roast lamb, grab a chair and a plate and dig in," Trish ordered as she placed a bowl full of corn and peas on the table.

She chose the chair furthest away and eased down into it. Trish past her a plate then took her own seat.

Brent began shovelling food into his mouth. Trish also helped herself. Lisha frowned at their table manners. She was taught, by Dan in the hospital, to wait until everyone was present. Maybe that was just in Dan's family. Still, she was curious to where Henry was. She couldn’t shake the feeling he wasn’t in the house. "Where's Henry?"

"He's on duty tonight. He won’t be back until after midnight. No need to worry, he'll see you in the morning'"

Lisha wasn’t worried about when he would see her. If things go my way tonight, he will never see me again.

"Henry already got you accepted into the local high school. Hayley, did you want to tell Lisha what your school is like?"

Hayley looked up from her food to Trish, then to Lisha. "It's a high school. Just like many others," she spat, then took another mouthful of potato.

"Hayley’s been to many different schools. She is like a school slut," Brent muttered to his lamb.

"Shut up you brat. At least I got to high school. The way you act out I’ll be surprised if you ever make it!"

"Hayley, Brent, that’s enough!" Trish said.

Lisha watched the family scene carefully. The structure confused her a little, Trish seemed to be ordering the youngsters around but, it seemed Hayley was the more dominant and defiant female. Yet Trish didn’t pull her up on it like she should. Lisha would like to give her defiant attitude a workout. Take me on I dare you. You’ll find out your pecking order pretty quick. She shoved the thoughts from her mind. No, I won't be here long. Even Brent, which Lisha couldn’t work out if he was submissive or dominant, seemed defiant in some small ways towards Hayley. But not Trish. Trish must have sorted him out. Henry, she didn’t know. He never talked as if he was the leader. Now having tea with the strange people, she presumed Trish was the Alpha. She has the right. She’s with the larger male. But why is Hayley being so defiant. Trish should kick her out the door and make her find her own mate and family.

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