Chapter 13: School?

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The uncomfortable feeling Lisha had from the two young humans sitting beside her caused a rumbled to escape her throat. She wanted to grow fur and leap through the glass window and escape. She controlled her urge by sitting on her hands and staring at the small crack in the windscreen.

Beside her, Hayley bobbed her head to the high-pitched music blaring through the two white things with cords that she shoved into her ears. How can she listen to that horrible sound? She wanted to slap her hands over her own ears to shut the noises out.

On her other side, Brent held a thin book close to his face. It must be a very interesting novel. I wonder if he would like my book? No, no socialising with the human, she snapped at herself.

Hayley removed the ear buds and looked to her with a frown.

"What now?" Lisha snapped.

"Were you growling?"

Lisha wrinkled her nose. "So."

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said, pushing the buds back in. "I though normal people didn’t do that."

"Hayley!" Trish turned around in her seat, spotted Hayley bobbing her head to the music then turned back to the front.

"Where at Brent’s school now Lisha," Henry said and pointed to the building with many children running about with the same uniform as the boy next to her.

The family car slowed as it pulled up beside the concrete footpath with short diamond wire fence that ran around the green school grounds. She observed the large grey school building. It’s so dull, what am I in for?

"Excuse me," Brent said and begun to climb over her. 

Lisha pushed herself against the seats back as he scrambled past.

"What are you doing you moron?" Hayley said.

"Brent, you could use the door," Henry said.

"Mrs Fisher said we had to get out this side when being dropped off. It’s a safety rule."

"Okay, well I think you and Hayls can swap spots from now on." Trish said.

"Don’t call me Hayls, only my friends call me that."

"Bye Hayls," Brent waved, then walked off through the school gate.

He must want to stir up trouble. Lisha realised then looked at Hayley’s clenched jaw. It worked.

The clicking noise that came before Henry turned the car signalled just before he pulled out from the curb and onto the road, slipping between a few other cars as they dropped their own children off to school.

"Now to Ranton High school."

Hayley started moving her bag around as the car neared a larger building. Lisha screwed up her nose with disappointment. I thought Brent’s school was dull! The educational facility had no large green yard the front like the other school. The only natural features it seemed to possess was a small dying garden tainted by a large sign. Welcome to Ranton High School.

"This is us." The clicking noise sounded again and Henry turned the steering wheel into a large area with many cars. 

"Just let me out here." Hayley said and opened the door.

The car stopped as the teen slid out, placed her bag over her right shoulder and strolled off towards the building with a flick of her long hair.

"That’s where you will be going tomorrow when you start. For now, you'll stay with us."

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