i hate you !

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I woke up this morning felling terrible . I went down stairs and Marshall was sitting at the kitchen table with dre. I never meet dre before and I really didn't want him to see me like this . Hey you must be Katie I have heard a lot about you it's nice to meet you dre said to me , well I haven't heard much about you and it's nice to meet you too I said . I grabbed a water and went downstairs in the basement to watch a movie by myself. I decided to watch 8 mile of course . I started the movie but then I got I phone call out of no where . Hello , who is this I asked , um is this Katie they asked , May I ask who this is I asked , this is the police station and I would like to say sorry before i say anything else the police officer said , what happened I asked , your mother I'm afraid she didn't make it in prison the officer said to me , are you serious I said crying , I'm so sorry for your loss Katie , it ok we all die at some point I said hanging up . After the phone call I ran upstairs and saw Marshall on the phone just nodding his head . He hung up the phone and said sorry and sat back down next to dre and continued talking to him . I looked at him like I wanted to kill him right there on the spot . I walked up to Marshall and said are you serious I said to him , I'm working sweetie I can't talk right now Marshall said to me , are you serious my mom just died and you don't even care I said , I don't care Katie your mom was a bitch to me and cause of her I missed half of your life Marshall said looking at me with full out anger . So I rolled my eyes at him and walked up stairs and cried myself to sleep even though it was 10:00 am . I woke up 3 hours after that and felt sick . So I went to the bathroom and took some Advil . I went back downstairs and saw Marshall past out on the couch . I walked past him and went outside by the pool and sat down on a lawn chair . I then got a phone call from my step dad . Hey kiddo I was wondering if you would like to go and visit your mom he asked , I would love that dad Marshall doesn't even care about mom he is making me mad he is passed out on the couch right now I said , I'm sorry kiddo maybe I can try and get custody of you soon he said , that would be awesome but you realise he is gonna try and keep me from you I said , I know but it is worth a shoot he said , yes it is ok so are you gonna pick me up I asked , yeah I'll be there in like 30 minutes he said , ok but how are are you gonna pick me up with the gate and security I said , you can meet me on the other side of the gate he said , ok I will see you soon I said , ok kiddo love you he said hanging up . So I went back in side and grabbed my purse and walked right past Marshall . Where are you going he asked me , I'm going to go see my mom I said opening the door I said , why I could take you Marshall said . I just looked at him Like he was crazy . I thought you didn't care about her I said with an attitude , when did i say that Marshall said , you said that this morning when dre was here I said leaving waiting to get picked up by my step dad . When my step dad pulled up to the gate and parked so I could get in to the car .....

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