Introduction: MySpace

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* Re-uploaded
*Song above used as inspiration ^
* As of popular request, Myspace will remain a genderless individual.

| Myspace? Who? |

You had done something wrong.

You had no idea what it was, but something was amiss. You'd been having the weird feeling since last night at Instagram's party. It started somewhere around after the fire, but as you couldn't figure out what it was you just shrugged and let it digress.

But now it had come back, and stronger than before.

It was strange, but familiar, like an itch on the tip of your tongue. You knew why it was happening somewhere in your brain but you just couldn't quite reach it...

You sighed, resting a cheek on your loose fist. What was it?

Tumblr raced by you, her hair tied up in a loose bun on top her head, thin blue strands falling about her face. She was sweeping in time with the rhythm of the song blasting from her phone, humming and doing a little spin.

"Oven," You said absentmindedly as you bit your lip, still wracking your mind for answers.

"Oh!" Tumblr said, head snapping up as she remembered the pie in the oven. The broom was gone from her hands, and she was in the kitchen, oven mittens on in a flash. She opened the oven, pulling out the container that held the hot, fluffy dish.

"Hot, hot, hot," She said as she set it down on the counter to cool, before running back into the living room and towards the easel in the corner.

"Mittens," You reminded again, looking up at the ceiling. Did it concern you? didn't feel like it was something that had affected you since yesterday....

Tumblr jolted as she reached for the paint brush. She removed the mittens, before grabbing it again, narrowing her eyes at the painting in front her, tongue slightly poking out the corner of her lips. She puckered her lips, brushing down a wide stripe of green across the canvas.

Then she was gone again, zipping past you. You got up without thought, scratching your head, not caring as she pushed the sofa you were just sitting on up against the wall.

Why were you so oblivious to the craziness around you? Tumblr was an utter scatter brain because of all her unique blogs on various different things. You had grown to dealing with her antics whenever you went over her house.

At the moment she was cleaning, baking, painting, and redecorating her living room all at the same time, switching around furniture. Why you weren't helping her? Simple. She wouldn't let you. Tumblr was a very self sufficient person. She felt accomplished after doing everything herself. So you just left her to control her own space.

Wait a minute.



Space! Myspace!

"Myspace!!" You shouted, standing up straight off the table you had been leaning against. That's what the feeling was!

"Tumblr," You called. She paused in balancing on the ladder to reach up top a high shelf.

"Yah? #busy" She said, addressing you though her eyes were still focused on strategically placing a vase of flowers in the right spot. You blinked. Exactly was she putting it so high...? You shook your head. You were getting distracted.

"Do you have any idea where Myspace might be?"


You sighed. Not this again. No wonder the kid was always emo.

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