Introduction: Pinterest

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This is the last major character.

Do you ever get the feeling someone is watching you?

Well you were getting it right that moment. And it wasn't pretty.

The amount of times you twisted your head around to glance behind only to see nothing must have broken your neck by now. Tumblr narrowed her eyes from beside you as your eyes drifted for the sixth time.

"Um, Anon? Is something up?#suspicious"

You blinked before rubbing the back of your head sheepishly. "Yeah um, do you feel someone staring at us?"

Then just as she opened her mouth, there it was again. The hairs on the back of your neck rose and you felt a chill settle over your skin. This time Tumblr clearly sensed it as well as she straightened, a little hair on the top of her head waving like some kind of dog.

Not going to question it. Nope.

"Don't make it obvious #follow me" Tumblr said and laughed like you had just said something funny. "You're so hilarious, boo!"

You gave her a blank look before finally catching up and giving a little awkward laugh yourself.

"Alright turn in three...two..."

The both of you twisted so fast it was like a blur. You saw a girl peering round the corner, her eyes widening as your gazes met. And before you had the chance to even get a good look at her, she squeaked and hightailed it.

"Hey wait! #slowdown" Tumblr shouted, dragging you along to sprint after the apparent stalker. With the bluenette's fast pace, soon you were right behind her.

"I said wait damn it!" Tumblr had enough and grabbed the girl by the collar, dragging her to a stop. The brunette shook visibly under her, her shorter frame racked in shivers as she covered her head.

"Tum!" You shot her an exasperated look and slapped her upside the head. What did she want to do, get arrested for harassment? "You're scaring the girl!"

Tumblr pursed her lips but rolled her eyes, letting go. You put a hand on the girl's shoulder gently, cautiously like how one would coax an animal. She jolted like she thought you were going to hit her.

"You ok? Why were you tailing us back there?"

"Pin it," the girl said in a soft mutter. You furrowed your brows.


"Pin it," she mumbled again, and you realized she was talking to herself. "Dogs on motorcycles."


Ok you had nothing.

You stared blankly into space until she finally raised her head, dirty brown stands of hair dusting into her face.

Tumblr blinked, her features lightening.

"Hold on, Pinter? #no way Is that you?"

"Pinter?" You screwed up your face. "Am I missing something here? You two know each other?"

Tumblr didn't really have that many friends that were normal people. You were actually getting excited that you were meeting a rare one-

Tumblr laughed. "Of course I know Pinterest. What kind of question is that?"

Well never mind then.

"Wait, Pinterest??" You spun around. "There's another of you guys in the vicinity? Why haven't I met her?"

At this, Tumblr's face dropped and her eyes gained an odd dull. "The last Prime wasn't exactly the...nicest to any of us. Especially Pinterest. One day she just kind of..." You could tell she was going to say more but she stole a look at the girl beside us as if remembering she was there. "...left."

That totally wasn't what she really was going to say but you dropped it, considering the fact that your friend hadn't said one hashtag in that entire thing, meaning she was quite serious.

"Anyway," Tumblr cleared her throat and the tense atmosphere snapped as she redirected her attention back to Pinterest. "I'm glad we ran into her! Pinterest, this is Anon."

"I'm Y/N," you disregarded Tumblr immediately, making her squawk. "And I'm hearing you're Pinterest?"

Pinterest was still hiding behind her hair, stiff, apprehensive, almost as if she was preparing to run at any moment.

"Why were you following us, Pin? Do you mind me calling you that? It's kinda cute. Not that I'm making fun of you or anything. I mean-"

Tumblr jabbed you in the side with her elbow to stop your rambling. You pushed her slightly in retaliation.

She pushed back.

It was about to turn into an all out fight n then and there if Pinterest didn't interrupt.

"I-I uh-" she didn't look as withdrawn anymore, almost curious as you and Tumblr paused, you having her in a headlock. "I wanted to meet you," She whispered, so low you almost didn't hear.
"You didn't have to stalk me to do that," you joked.

Pinterest blushed.

And boy, when this girl blushed, she blushed.

Her entire face went red all the way to the tips of her ears, a dark flush running up her neck. She was incredibly pale - not as badly as Myspace level - but enough so that it was like her entire body went crimson.

"Wow," you muttered, and this time Tumblr was the one to slap you over the head. Pinterest hid her face in her hair again and you could basically feel the heat radiating from her cheeks.

"P-Pin it," she muttered again. "Neil Armstrong on the moon. Strawberry cakes."

"Hey, what's with that?" You asked curiously, and Pinterest jumped like you had electrocuted her.

"O-oh.." she bit her finger and remained behind the wall of hair. "Whenever I'm scared...I remind myself of something that I like to give me courage... Maybe a snack....or...."

"Or a funny video?" You asked, remembering that little 'dog on motorcycles' thing she'd mentioned. "But why the pin it?"

"Pinter's got a photographic memory," Tumblr yawned. "If she pins an idea, she's most definitely going to remember it. #seriously"

"That's so cool!" You gushed, shaking the girl back and forth by her shoulders.

She looked ready to pass out.

"Who's scaring her now?! #hypocrite"

"Shut up Tum!"

"You shut up!"

"You want to fight?"

"P-P-Pin it...!"



A thud as Pinterest fainted right there on the floor.


I'll probably make a second part to this maybe some other time. But not right now.

I just kinda wanted to write something and there you go. Short, yeah yeah but whatever. At least I've finally made an actual drabble.

Hurricane Matthew is being an annoyance so I better publish this before the power goes out. Stay safe everybody, wherever you are!

I'm MaD TiReD aNd ThIs DoEsNT maTcH bUt cOmMeNt? = = >

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