Introduction: Deviantart

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Look who's still breathing.

This girl.


| Don't move |


You breathed in deeply.

Another couple feet.

You exhaled it out in a rush of hot air against your lips.







You sighed but didn't let up on your pace, annoyed at the notification sound that momentarily interrupted the music blasting through your earphones.

It was like seven o clock in the morning, whoever was texting you could wait.

It buzzed again but you just kept running. Why were you having a morning run? You see, Tumblr and you were having a competition as to who could cook the most of a single dish later on that day. And if you were cooking it, obviously afterwards there was going to end up being a lot of eating. And you really would feel bad in doing that to your body unless you worked off some calories first.

(....So you could gain them all back but shh.)

You ignored the next couple messages, getting a bit irritated but otherwise not caring.

Then your phone rang.

You sighed. Whoever this was, they were persistent. You flipped out your cell, answering the call and stopping the incessant ringing.

"Hello?" You asked, panting entwined with your voice as you paused for a breather.


"Uh...hello?" You repeated, louder this time. Shuffling noises answered deliberately, as if to show that someone was on the other side but otherwise the silence continued.

You frowned. Who would call you just to do this?

You were about to hang up when the gears in your head started spinning and you blinked in realization.

"Oh...vian is this you?" You sweat dropped. Deviantart was mute, yes, but he had a habit of calling people anyway to get his point across. This one was apparently 'check your phone'. "Sorry I'll check now."

The silence ended as he hung up, leaving the beeps in your ear. You scrolled through the messages he'd sent, slowing your jog to a walk to read it properly.

D'Art: Come over to my house.

D'Art: Today, as soon as possible.

D'Art: Go to the backyard.

D'Art: I need your help with something I'm making.

'Making?' You pondered. It had to be something art related, knowing Deviantart, but why did he need you of all people? Maybe you could ask-

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