Chapter 6ixtyFour

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"You don't understand Chris." I said to him for the fifth time, trying to leave the parking lot of my school.

He had trapped me between two cars and a wall.

We had spoken a few times after the 'almost kiss,' where I explained that him and I couldn't be friends with him, mainly because I was in a committed relationship with a man that didn't approve of our friendship.

Chris wasn't having it though, and continued to text me and call, and today he was outside of my school when my class ended.

"It's been almost a month Amber. He isn't coming back, you haven't heard from him in almost a month." He said, and I frowned deeply. He was right.

I had called every hospital in Canada, and none of them had ever heard of an 'Aubrey Drake Graham.' I called clinics, schools, even the police station, no luck. I was live streaming the news there, hoping to find one sliver of information, and nothing. Everything was a dead end. I called back 40, hoping to get some answers from him, but the number was no longer in service. I called his mother, but her number was also out of service. I even used a Canadian directory, for assistance, and there was nothing. I had never looked for someone so hard in my life.

I was getting impatient for answers. Aubrey couldn't have just fallen off the face of he earth in a month's time.

I fell asleep to the sound of his voice mail, each night. Pathetic! I watched the video of us that Aubrey took by accident, on repeat.

"He's coming back." I told Chris. "I know he is, he always does." I tried hard to believe the words that had become my mantra this past month.

"He isn't." He yelled, and I glared at him.

"Get the fuck away from me Chris. I have to go." I had never liked to curse at people, only when they deserved it. Chris deserved this, I had told him to leave me alone after the 'almost kiss' and he refused.

"Listen Amber, I don't know why or how this happened, but just accept the fact that he isn't coming back, okay?" He said, and I closed the space between us. I slapped him in the face, hard. I couldn't take that kind of negativity in my life, especially since the wound was still fresh.

"Ow. What the fuck was that for?" Chris asked, taking a step back as if I had slapped him, because I did.

Shrugging, I moved past Chris toward my car.

"Amber?" He yelled.

"Leave me alone. I've told you before, and I'm telling you now, this is not going to happen. Aubrey will be back, and I'll be waiting for him. Goodbye Chris." I explained, trying to say my final farewell to the boy who refused to give up on me.

"Aubrey doesn't love you." He continued, revealing his face to me. There was an outline of my hand on his cheek, red from the slap. I flinched. I didn't know my own strength. "He would've contacted you by now. He would've called, no matter what the circumstances. I know I would've."

I rolled my eyes at him. "You can't tell me that he doesn't love me. You don't know him, and you don't know me." I threw my hands up, in anger. "Chris, leave me alone."

"But I can't." He said, taking a few steps toward me. "All I think about, is you. All I dream of, is you. I can't get you out of my head. You think I'm someone who likes rejection? Is that it? I would be out of your life if I could, but I can't. And to see you hurt like this, over a guy who doesn't even care enough to call, hurts me more than you know."

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