Chapter 6ixtyEight

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"What did the letter say?" Maya asked for the third time.

I wasn't able to understand her infatuation. In the letter, Aubrey said that he was going through some things, that he missed me and that he met a girl who he thought looked a lot like me. He'd seen someone, someone who resembled me. What if he had developed feelings for her? I couldn't fathom the thought.

I ignored Maya's question once again, uncertain of what to say about what I had read. The letter itself was innocent and the tone was gentle, but what if something had happened after he sent it? What if he liked her? I couldn't begin to imagine being without him for good.

I couldn't go back to being "that girl". The one who was insecure, shy, and uncertain. Now that I got a glimpse of what life could be like, I refused go back to being without him.

"She reminds me so much of you that it hurts; curly black hair, dark brown skin: it's almost disturbing. But her eyes, they're nothing compared to yours. Her eyes are pretty, but unlike yours, they are dead, emotionless, and borderline creepy. Your eyes are filled with life, animated and emotional. I can tell whether something is wrong from one glance, and it was one of the best features about you. I trained myself to identify your feelings from the looks in your eyes. I miss looking at those eyes, Amber. I want to see them starting back at me with adoration, and love."

What if she reminded him so much of me, that he started dating her? Would he let me know then? Would he have told me whether he felt for her or not?

I doubt I'll ever see her again, but it was so weird not to talk about it with you.

"I feel like you're ignoring me," Maya finally realized, pulling out a short burgundy dress from the clothes rack.

"I'm sorry, I just feel like every time we're together I bombard you with information about Aubrey and I. I don't even know what you've been up to lately." I tried, crossing my fingers, praying that it was enough to get her to leave me alone.

To this, her eyes widened, "I've been okay, I guess. Blake and I are on a break. We decided it would be best to postpone our relationship until after graduation." She disclosed.

"Is he coming to our graduation?" I asked her. Blake was very unpredictable, I doubted she knew whether or not he would attend.

"I don't know. I mean, he could." Maya shrugged, flipping her long, gray hair over one shoulder.

"I hope he does." I concluded, searching through the rack for a reasonable looking dress. I wasn't looking for anything in particular, but a few things caught my eye.

"Is Chris going to be there? She asked, rolling her eyes at the mention of his name.

"Of course he will." I laughed, "he's my friend."

"Amber, why do you even like Chris?" She asked, looking confused. She turned to face me, giving her full undivided attention.

"I don't know. Because I do. Why do you hate him?" I asked.

"He honestly doesn't seem like a genuine person. He doesn't tickle my fancy." She said, and I cringed inwardly. Maya usually kept her feelings about others to herself, it was surprising to hear her admit that she hated Chris.

"He hasn't even done anything to you. Are you sure you're not just jealous that we're hanging out?" I asked, hoping that was the only reason she didn't like him.

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