Chapter SeventyFive

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I let Aubrey drop me at the very front of the gate, and I walked the rest of the way to meet Chris, who was sleeping in my dorm.

"What were you doing today?" He asked after I woke him.

"Uh, I just had to, return some books to the library and what not." I turned away.

"Oh okay. You look pretty... you're looking actually really bright." He complimented. He smiled brightly as he stared at me.

I grinned, but all I was thinking about was Aubrey's smile, how I made him laugh, and how we had made love so many times, but each time still felt so unique.

"Thank you." I grinned harder. "I appreciate that."

"What's up with you, you're in such a good mood." He asked.

"I'm just happy.." I tried to stop smiling but I honestly couldn't. "To see you."

"Good, because I don't know how to deal with things after Aubrey came back." He confessed. His smile dropped, and he shook his head.

"Why not?" I asked him, as he approached me.

"Because I saw the effect he had on you as soon as you saw him. He has hurt you, so badly." He sighed. "I promise he'll never hurt you again."

"Thank you." I shrugged. "I know he won't anymore."

Chris pulled me into a hug, and cradled my head. "Forget about him okay?"

"I'll try." I said, his lithe hand stroked my hair.

"Is it raining out? your hair is wet."

I didn't get to dry my hair after I showered with Aubrey. "I'm using this new product in it."

"Oh." He hummed, while scooping my hair up into a ponytail. "I see.."

His eyes lingered on my face and neck as he continued to play with my hair. I could feel his breathing pattern become unsteady against my cheek, and I felt a chill run through me. Something wasn't right.

"I think your hair is beautiful, no need for new products." He said, and I was nervous. His tone had changed drastically. I decided then to change the subject.

"Chris, We need to talk about a few things." I quickly followed, I needed to let him know I had seen Aubrey. But somehow I could tell that he already had an idea.

The grip on my hair tightened, and I felt a significant tug upward. "Yes Amber." He drew out.

"Well, I've been umm..." I paused, I wasn't comfortable with the way that he was talking to me, while keeping contact with my hair and tugging.

" What do you want to talk about first? The fact that your lips are swollen pink? The fact that you're flushed and freshly showered, or the Fucking purple hickey forming on your neck." He tugged again, and this time I felt my head move backward with the pressure.

"Chris stop, you're hurting me." I shrieked. I looked up into his eyes, and saw a rage there that I'd never seen before.

"No. You fucked him didn't you?" He accused.

"Chris what are you talking about?" I tried to ask confidently, but I gulped nervously.

"Don't play dumb with me bitch... you let him fuck you." He growled. One of his hands snaked around my neck, and he began to squeeze slightly.

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