Chapter Three

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Batman pulled Harley aside, keeping his emotionless expression.
"Harleen, Last month the Joker escaped from Arkham. Did you happen to see him last night?" He asked. I nodded my head yes.
"Yes I actually did, well I think I did anyways." Harley replied. Batman nodded. This was the first time she's seen Batman in person. Batman asked her a few more questions until he got a call from someone and had to leave.
"Thank you for the information." Batman said and left. Harley was kind of spooked. She didn't really like The Batman, she thought he was creepy.
Harley walked back to her office and waited for a patients next appointment.


Soon enough the day was over. Harley gathered her things and waited for Bernie to pick her up.
"Hey! Need a ride?!" Some man shouted. Harley looked in the direction of the shouting and saw it was Bernie. I sped walked towards him and hopped in the front seat. He smiled at me and drove out of Arkham.
"Good day at work?"Bernie asked. I nodded.
"Yeah, I guess. But remember they guy that jumped me last night. He was there, he was one of my patients today!" Harley exclaimed. Bernie looked at her strangely.
"Surely it can't be the same guy." Bernie said. Harley just shook her head no.
"It was him, I know it." Harley said. Most of the ride was silent.
"Hey that car is on the wrong side on the road!" Bernie said as he tried to dodge it. But it was too late. The car rammed into Bernie and Harleys car.
The only thing Harley heard were the piercing screams of her best friend.


I know what I'm doing. Don't question it!!!

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