Kise Ryouta x Reader

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Author's note: Hi minna~ It's been a while since I lasted posted anything, so I hope this oneshot makes up for my absence.
Warning: There will be cursing/swearing!😉

Reader's POV

I really didn't know how to feel about today. Okay maybe I do but I didn't really have a word for it. My best friend, Kise Ryouta, had been following me around the whole day. Something like that is what one would expect from him but it wasn't that that actually bothered me. Kise had been constantly sniffing at me. The first time he did it basically scared me shitless. I don't mind my personal space being invaded by him since he's like a clingy puppy and I'm used to it but when he starts doing crazy shit like this I honestly question our friendship. Even now as I'm walking to our secret lunch spot behind the school, Kise still had his damned nose sniffing at me.

"Ryouta stop fucking sniffing me! You're not a dog so stop behaving like one!" I scolded, too tired to be dealing with this crap. When I turned to look at him, my face was met with a sad pout and watery eyes. Ah damn... Did I raise my voice at him? Crap he's way too emotional. "(Y/n)-chii! Waaaahhhh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you angry!" Kise wailed. I sighed in irritation before placing my hand on his head and ruffling his blonde locks. "Calm down baka. I'm not mad. It's just that you've been sniffing at me the whole day and you're not even telling me why you were doing it." I stated. He blinked away his tears and smiled happily at me. His grin was contagious so I soon found myself smiling a little too.

"I can't help it (Y/n)-chii! You smell really nice! Like vanilla and honey."Kise finally explained. I blinked, my thoughts momentarily stunned. Vanilla and honey? That's the scent of my new bath body gel that I got yesterday! Was the scent of it really that strong? I hadn't even noticed. "(Y/n)-chii~ You smell delicious~" Kise cooed. I blinked again. Did my best friend just say I smelled delicious? That fucker just called me delicious!

"Ryouta! You don't say shit like that so casually!" I whispered harshly. My face felt as though it were on fire and Kise's grin wasn't helping all that much. But it was something in that grin that made me feel uneasy, or maybe it was that glint in his bright eyes. Kise moved quick, suddenly appearing behind me and pulling me into a hug. My back was pressed firmly against his broad chest and it took all I had not to hyperventilate. Being so close to him like this... It made my heart race. Sadly this scenario was something that I dreamed of happening. You could say... you could even say that I loved him. Okay I do love him but I know for a fact that the two of us could never have anything more than this friendship. Though I knew this, I still couldn't help but enjoy the moment.

"Ryouta let go of me. This is starting to get annoying." I huffed irritably. I couldn't let him see how bad this was affecting me. But who am I fooling? Kise was smart in his own way. Though that intelligence was not expressed through academics, one can see that he is able to read the emotion and aura of a person or situation. Kise would find out, the possibility was high.

"(Y/n)-chii... Am I making you nervous? Why is your face so red? Could it be... that you like me? (Y/n)-chii am I right? Do you like me?" Kise questioned, his voice airy and light as he whispered his questions into my ear. I shuddered. I fucking shuddered. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to run and hide. I didn't want to admit my feelings for him. Kise was playful so I really don't know how he would handle a confession from me.

I tilted my head to look at him. I expected a cocky grin or a playful smirk but instead I was met with a look of seriousness. Kise's eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, his mouth set in a firm line. I decided that I would answer his questions with one of my own, "What am I to you Ryouta?"

My voice didn't sound as strong as I had hoped it to be. There was a slight tremble in it but by the way Kise's eyes widened, it was clear that I got my point across.

His hold on me tightened which reminded me that I was still in his grasp. His stunned silence came to a halt what that look of seriousness once again washed over his features. "(Y/n)-chii listen carefully to me. I see you as more than a best friend and by that I don't mean super best friends or bro's. I love you. I love my best friend. I'm in love with my best friend. I love (Y/n) (L/n). I love you." He declared. There was not a single ounce of hesitation in his voice, Kise spoke so strong and firm. He expressed what he wanted so clearly, I feel it's only fair if I do the same.

"I love you too Ryouta." I stated in confidence, all traces of doubt gone. His eyes lit up with glee, his expression reminding me of a child who had just gotten what he wanted. Kise spun me and round to face him, the heat of the moment preparing me for his sudden kiss. He claimed my lips with such vigour and passion that any comprehendable thoughts that I may have had were completely lost to my pleasure induced state. One of his hands claimed purchase in my hair, threading his fingers through my (h/c) tresses. Kise held me closer with his other arm, my own hands looping around his neck and shoulders to bring him all the more closer. I felt his tongue prod at my lips, sliding across my bottom lip to coax my mouth to open. I couldn't help myself, I moaned and parted my lips allowing his appendage entry. Kise left no place untouched, swiping his tongue along the walls of my mouth before finally it entwined with mine.

Kise pulled away panting and grinning leaving me standing there breathless and flushed. He hugged me once more before once again telling me that he loves me. I smiled happily at him, kissing his cheek in appreciation.

I love Kise Ryouta.

Author's note: I'm really sorry if Kise was ooc! I actually had hand written this before I posted this. Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed!😆

 Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed!😆

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