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*not an update... My sister found my 9th grade books recently, and this story in one of them. So yeah here's a little peek at how I used to write back in 9th*

I sat down in the plane, plugged in my earphones and relaxed. Tomorrow was going to be a big day for me. I was traveling to New York to see my little sister, who was not so little anymore.
She was working as business consultant and was hugely successful, there in the US.
After our parents death in an accident, I had practically raised that kid. And I didn't mind it too, cause she was everything our parents would have wanted her to be. Smart, compassionate and also really pretty. That was my little sister.
Plane landed in New York but I decided to stay in my hotel and maybe go sight seeing too a little later, before going to meet Julia. That I kept for last, cause I wanted it to be a surprise, and also I might not see her for a long time after that.
9/11 happened. She was in the building. I couldn't breath. I rushed there. It took a long, long time, but I saw her at last. What was left of her at least .

I was recording the scene and also thinking of what the hell do I say when I broadcast this on television, when I saw him. A well built guy, blond hair and clothes that seemed expensive. He came running in, fell crying on to this body on the ground. I think he died as much as she did that day, from the sounds that were coming from him. He was trying to lift her in his arms, when some police officers came and they were taken somewhere. What I did notice was a letter fall out of the guy's pocket . I quickly picked it up, stuffed into my purse and continued my recording. I needed to read that letter though.

Dear Julia,
If you are reading this, it means I am no more. I am sorry darling, but suicide was the only option. I couldn't live with the guilt of what I had done anymore. I was the reason why our parents died, why you had to grow up with just me around. It was an accident I swear. But still, it was me who insisted I drive the car, I who crashed it, I who to avoid the consequences, made it appear that dad drove the car and I was just in the back seat. I am sorry.
Don't give up on everything you have achieved though. You deserve....

I couldn't read the rest because it was tear stained and the pen marks were all over the place. In the end it was singed Julian. Oh God. What had I just read!? I decided not to show it to the police though. That guy had suffered enough. This wasnt going to help him. I shredded the paper.

*that's about it.I had written this for some writing assignment and I think there was a word count or something. Anyways what do u think? * also to anyone who has a doubt about what just happened, Julian is the main narrator, the brother of the girl (Julia) who died in the 9/11 attack.  Julian felt guilty about the parents and wanted to commit suicide (hence the note)  but Julia dies before that. The second narrator is a random reporter, who finds the letter and reads it to us.
Hope that clears all confusion :)

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